Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I didn't use a pithy, silly title to the post, nor will I have a quote at the end, because I'm gonna mention a few things about the shootings at Virginia Tech, and it seemed disrespectful to do so. And what I saying here are just my thoughts about it today. I dont necessarily mean them to be controversial, although I'm certain some may take them that way.

1. I didn't find out until I stopped by my mom's tonight, that I have a cousin, Marcus, who attends Virginia Tech. He spoke to his grandfather last night, and my mom spoke to the grandfather this afternoon. Marcus was in class in the late morning in a building next to the one where all the shootings took place. They heard the gunshots. the all got down against one wall and the instructor pulled the blind on the door and turned the lights out and they were there until a policeman came to the room after it was all over. How horrific.

2. This only reenforces my conviction that we need real, proactive, nationwide gun control.

3. Although, I heard some NRA flunkie saying that they need to pass laws allowing students to carry concealed weapons. Yeah. The only thing worse than a student shooting in university building is having three or four other people pull out guns and start shooting. How many students would get hit with richochets or caught in the crossfire or hit by a stray bullet?

4. Is it a bad thing that I think the shooter, Cho Seung-Hui, was pretty cute? I feel bad about saying it, but it's the truth.

5. Thirty-two people dead. Most of them young people, with their whole lives ahead of them. It is horrific and a tragedy, and we are all right to be shocked and dismayed at what happened. But let's not forget that in the last week, we had thrity-two or so, young Americans killed, with their whole lives ahead of them as well. they were our soldiers in Iraq. Why are we not, as a country, shocked and dismayed about them as well?



Anonymous said...

There was actually 33 dead counting the shooter.
I agree, where is the disgust of so many Americans dying in Iraq because of Bushies lies? Once more for those with a hard skull to penetrate: No, Iraq had NOTHING to do with the World Trade Center disaster. Ed

LadyXandria said...

Oh yeah... the way to prevent tragedies like this from happening is to allow students to carry concealed weapons. What the hell is wrong with those people? Are they fucking brain dead? That statement just disgusts me.

And you're right about the soldiers getting killed in Iraq. We barely even hear about them. When are people going to stop accepting the snow job that the government and the media are giving us? It just makes me think about the movie V for Vendetta... we sooo need to fight back and stand up for ourselves. Let's storm the bastille!

Anonymous said...

We aren't nearly as shocked about the soldiers in Iraq because they are trained soldiers in a war zone that carry around and know how to use various types of weaponry (trained to defend themselves against various weapons and trained to kill other human beings with various weapons)...they volunteered to serve Uncle Bushwack at his pleasure.....and so that the rest of us Ammrrricans...ex-soldiers, never-soldiers, kids, feeble, ignorant, lazy-ass, too-good-to-be-a-soldier, citizens can continue to enjoy our self-indulgent, over-eating, tv-watching, xbox-habit, capitalist society freedoms which we have enjoyed for so many years without having to worry about Uncle Osama or Uncle Saddam sending his suicide mission diaper heads into out malls or crowded drug-infested street corners where our innocent businessmen could get snuffed.

Much unlike the defenseless students and professors who were not prepared for any kind of attack and did not even have any kind of defensive weapons with which to guard themselves.

While I'm outraged that Congress (yes, you Hilary....and Mr. Edwards, and so many other back-pedalling Democrats, now) supported the invasion of Iraq and continue to authorize the funding of the war I find no shocking comparison to the soldiers dying on a daily basis to be anything like the massacre that occurred at Virginia Tech.

As for concealed weapons??....well, if we're going to allow any kind of weapons to be carried around then lets just issue licenses for unconcealed weapons...that way everyone can see who is carrying a weapon and avoid them like the plague. Personally, I feel that weapons should only be in the hands of law enforcement.

Fairy (anti-NRA) Godfather.

Anonymous said...

Let's see 33 dead at Virginia Tech 3,020 americans dead in Iraq. Let's tell their parents you shouldn't feel bad. Your son or daughter died in Iraq by the hands of a suicide bomber. We are sending more children over there to die and the insurgents couldn't be happier. I'll say it agiain, when we leave Iraq, whether it is today or 100 years from know chaos will reign. But if we leave now fewer americans will have died in vain.Ed