Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Too much information for my head (Part 39)...

Just like each Tuesday, these come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/

1. What one piece of sage relationship advice would you give your child (or niece/nephew or friend). "Don't take life too seriously, and remember, it is better to regret something you did do than to regert something you didn't do."
2. When was the last time you left a passion mark Or had one left on you? (A passion mark is an unintentional physical manifestation of an act of passion: a hickey left in the heat of the moment; fingernail or teeth marks that last for more than an hour, a bump on your head from slamming into the headboard could even count). A few months back, I left Freddie with a hickey on his shoulder, in a place unseen as long as he had a shirt on. He retaliated and gave me a similar one.
3. When was the last time you had sex in a car? a bit less than ten years ago. Got a bj from a boyfriend as I was driving us back from DC.
4. Have you ever had an orgasm in a public conveyance? What, like an escalator? Nah, nothing like that....yet...although the escalator thing is an interesting idea...
5. Have you ever had an orgasm with someone other than your partner (or partners) present? Yeah. Once gave a handjob to someone under a blanket at a friend's house. There was group of us watching a movie and drinking and stuff (this was back in high school), and I got him off. Oh, wait, have I ever done it? hmm, well there was that time in the sex club in Toronto...and that's enough said about that.
Bonus (as in optional): You are strolling along in the mall with your S.O. (hypothetical if necessary) A young same sex as your S.O. is approaching from the opposite direction and will pass within feet of you. (S)he is attractive and has magnificent body. Describe your reaction. Oh that's easy, I'll lock my eyes on him and follow him, even as he passes us. Then I'll say to my S.O., "Wow, did you see that?" At which time my S.O. will a)punch me in the arm, b) roll his eyes and not say anything for several minutes, c) tell me "You want any of what I got, you need to get your eyes ON what I got."

Course, if he was younger than my S.O., than he's probably illegal for me to do anything BUT look at him.

POLT Oil:65.89 (-1.14); Gas: 2.78 (-.01)

What bothers me is your sweater matched your walls. - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


BirdMadGirl said...

Sex club stories?? Oh, do tell Mr. Polt =)

And I like the escalator idea as well... but it better be a damn long one! One floor just won't be enough time ;)

Happy TMI

Anonymous said...

Was the bj in a moving car? Great answers as usual, Polt. Ed

Anonymous said...

I love your bonus question answer, lol. And the quote to #1 is great. Escalator sex is an interesting concept. I'd think if it were still moving it would have to be rather quick though. More like a tease than anything.

Happy TMI! :o)

Jen said...

Great answers!! I would have to whole heartedly agree with #1 for sure!!!

Happy TMI!