Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I can’t tell you who to idolize...

heheheheh, just saw that Sanjaya kid is NOT in the bottom three again this week, so he's coming back. (that's means at minimum three, maximum five contestants got less votes than him) I've not watched Idol this year, but I've decided from now on in I'm gonna do everything I can to ensure he wins. Why? Cause the show is stupid. That was revealed when Chris was kicked off last year. (oh, and by the way, the album 'Daughtry' rocks and is in the tops of the charts and Taylor "drunk uncle at a wedding reception" Hicks' album where to be seen) Also, I'd love to see the worst person win, just to show them. Seriously, if this kid is SO bad, how did he make it to the top 12 (or 16 or however many they have)? There wasn't a better singer than him in all the hundreds of thousands of people that got turned away? no, he was kept around for "drama" or because he had a good story (ala Kelly Pickler) or because someone thought he looked good (ala Ace), but certainly not because of his voice. SO this might teach them to actually put SINGERS on the show.

Oh, and Simon has threatened to quit the show if Sanjaya wins. What more reason do you need?



Oh and speaking of the Daughtry Album...

AND speaking of Ace...perhaps if he looked this buff last year, he mighta won. Oh, and if he wore a pony-hawk too.

The worst peace is still better than the best war.


Anonymous said...

You should watch American Idol, Polt. There are two rally hnot guys this season. Blake and Chris. The girls seem to like Blake best but I think Chris is HAWT!!!!I heard that Sanjaya has a big following in India (surprise) and they vote for him by the millions. So I guess it is really Indian Idol this year.

Anonymous said...

Sanjaya?? I think I've heard of that....if you check with your local pharmacist he should be able to give you some cream or a salve and it will go away in a few days if you use it as instructed. You really have to be more selective of who you have sex with. Did this sanjaya appear around your mouth or what?

As for that Idol show I never can watch (or listen rather)'s all like fingers on a chalk board and on top of that I'm way way out of the current pop music scene anyway. The last I knew the only decent singers that won were Kelly Clarkson and the little weasely Barry Manilow looking geek that refuses to come out of the closet. I know a bunch of the half decent singers end of voted off by the masses. Can't watch....can't listen.....(don't ask...don't tell....!!!!!!....hmmmmmm!!!!!)

Glad Freddy's past the wisdom teeth stuff. Best part of that is you only go thru it once. Give him my regards. Hopefully I can meet him someday.

Fairy Godfather.