Sunday, April 15, 2007

By my taste, and below the angel dog....

You open the door and come into the house and are greeted by this sight....

You know it means: "I have no idea who upset the plant in the hallway, chewed through your favorite pair of shoes, ate the steaks you had thawing in the sink and knocked over the lamp in the bedroom. Frankly, master, I'm betting on rats. Rats or mice, yeah. Course, could always be a cat got in somehow, we both know how evil and sneaky they are! Oh, and that puddle on the carpet in the dining room, I'm saying rats too. A BIG rat. Not that I would know, cause I was being a good boy and staying out of places I'm not supposed to be! yessir-ree, that was me ALL day. So....wanna play fetch?"


This is America, dude: if you run out of ice, you've got nobody to blame but yourself.


Anonymous said...

I think the cute little doggie was framed. Look at those innocent eyes. What a good puppy! Ed

LadyXandria said...

Aww, what an adorable little baby. With a face like that, I'm sure he gets away with murder.