Thursday, April 12, 2007

Standing with the friends I've made...

So, I imagine many of you are sitting there thinking, "I wonder what Polt's friends have been up to lately." Wonder no more, for I shall tell you now.

Jessica, who I used to work with and who's wedding Freddie and Ghostie and i went to last September, is doing well, raising her cute son Wyatt (he's a bit over a year old now) and still married to the handsome, sweet, hot-bodied doctor! (Lucky bitch.) Oh, and she's pregnant again. Quite fertile, she.

Ghostie is doing well also. He and I went out last night after work. We had a good meal at Cafe Del Sol although the one in Hagerstown. I had the pasta. I feel a bit silly getting pasta out, since I can make that at home, but it's good there. Ghostie got the Hawaiian pizza, without the ham, since he's one of those vegan freaks. Without the ham it wasn't really vegan, more like pineapple pizza, but whatever. After this, we drove around Hagerstown a bit, talking catching up. We got blizzards at dairy queen and took them to City Park where we ate them and talked some more. Very fun night.

Aggie is doing well too. She bought herself a new couch and "cuddle seat" whatever that is. I'll see it tomorrow night. At any rate, she's happy about that. She's been having issues with this guy she's been seeing. I was happy for her as she spoke about him in the beginning, after reading this, I think he's a big loser and nowhere NEAR good enough for her. She deserves someone worthy of being on the cuddle seat with her.

Johnnie called me tonight. You may recall he met this Indian chick, she threw up no red flags and seemed perfect. yes, we all should have known better. Things have been going great. And then tonight, she tells him she feels a bit guilty because she doesn't think she's been totally honest. She says she's not sure of her sexuality yet. She likes Johnnie a lot, and she's never been with a woman, but she thinks she'd like to. They talked and decided to keep things casual until and if she makes up her mind. "Damn your people Polt!" he says over the phone. My people, we queers, we're such trouble for him. this isn't the first time a girl he was dating told him she was lesbian, and just realized it, or that she was bisexual. he seems to attract them.

Freddie's at college and doing well. We talk every night. The end of the month, I'm going up to visit him at college, the first I'll be there and get to meet all his friends. The week after, he's coming down for a somewhat extended weekend, and we're supposed to spend the day in DC again, just the tow of us walking around. Outta be fun. And we're still trying to figure out a way for him to get back here in June so he can go to DC Gay Pride with us. It'll be his first gay pride celebration.

I've not heard from Mr. David Parispeking in week's but I'm certain he's contrary as always.

Last weekend, Amie and her husband came down to her parents for Easter. I finally got to see the baby Eve. Stupid me, I forgot to take a camera along, so I have no photos of how cute she is (the baby not Amie. NOT that Amie's NOT cute, you understand....) In the house, with Amie, her husband, mom and dad I felt somewhat like a Jew in a Palestinian camp, or a black man at a White Power Rally, or a Redskins fan in Texas Stadium. I was a liberal Democrat in the home of and surrounded by conservative Republicans. the place fairly oozed of right-wing-ism. I left with the stench of Fox Noise all over me. (Nah, Amie) Despite some goading by Amie, I did NOT engage in political conversation. Not that I was afraid to, you all know I'm not afraid to do that, but I was there to see the baby, it was all about Eve (so to speak), and not politics. And I was a guest in their home and I was not going to disparage, tear down, belittle, and rip apart thier politcal beliefs, no matter how wrong they are nor how easy that would be to do. I would not disrespect thier home or my hosts in that manner, no matter how much they may have deserved it. (Amie, see my tongue? It's firmly in cheek here!)

Oh and me, how am I doing? Well thanks for asking, tired, but getting by.


The true threat is whether or not one of these people decide, peak of anger, try to hold us hostage, ourselves; the Israelis, for example, to whom we'll defend, offer our defenses; the South Koreans. - George W. Bush

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