Monday, April 23, 2007

Another working day has ended...

I had to work today. Ugh.

I normally have off Mondays, it's my sleep in/laundry day. But today, I had to go in and work. Oh, I'll be liking to when I have my four day weekend this weekend, but now...Ugh.

See, some people were coming by from another agency, and I am that agency's contact person, so I HAD to be there. And I was stressing. I wasn't sure exacty what the visitors were expecting. Was it just a meet-n-greet? Did they have a presentation? Were they expecting one? And I wasn't getting any real support from my superiors. Oh, they were willing to be at the meeting, but I was pretty much left there to flounder on my own.

In addition, I started with a sore throat on Saturday, which blossomed into a head fulla snot, with headaches and a sore throat on Sunday. So tired and achy was I that I went to bed Sunday night about 845 pm and slept roughly straight through until about 700am. I felt somewhat better today, thanks to constantly taking cold pills, but i felt sick nonetheless.

Luckily, the meeting went off without a hitch. Better than I expected actually. today also it was in the 80's, which was nice because I got to rid home with the windows down and the wind blowing all through the car, and the guys have taken to wearing shorts and no shirts. So despite the fact there's a lot of pale skin, it was pleasant to watch them anyway on the way home. But, the bad side is, it was hot. I hate heat. ANd a bit stuffy. I did not enjoy that at all.

AND, I found out today a co-worker discovered the Palace. He didn't just come right out and say it though. We were having a conversation and he dropped a hint that I didn't get until later. Then, as we were parting, he mentioned the photo of the castle, where is it. I told him. And as I walked back to my office, it hit me just what he was asking. And that meant he had been to the Palace.

I don't work in the most gay friendly of businesses, and when I realized that i paniced a bit at first. But then I realized, he's actually a pretty decent guy, certainly one of the more open-minded, progressive people that work there. And if I had to chose people to tell I was gay, he ceratainly would be in the top 3 or 4 people I would chose to tell. And it's not as if he's the first to know, I mean, at least a dozen people, over the years that I've worked there, have known I was gay. But the vast majority of those found out because I told them, they didn't just stumble onto the fact on the internet.

Nonetheless, what can i do? I mean, it's not as if I can claim this isn't me. And I don't think I'd want to do that even if it was an option. I was always cognizant of the fact that ANYBODY in the WORLD could be reading this, that's why I've never shown my naughty bits herein (not that my co-worker or ANYone for that matter, would wanna see that), or said where I worked, or exactly where I live, or what i do for a living, or mention work much at all.

Ah, well, whatever. I doubt he'll be the last co-worker to see the Palace. He certainly is not the last person i'd want to see the Palace. And as I said, it's all kinda moot now anyway, I just have to go with what I've got, ya know?


Why does being evil have to be so much work? - Tryp, X-Factor #2


Anonymous said...

Maybe this guy is gay or Bi. Why else would he be cruising Gay Blogs? Ed

exile said...

hmmmmm... well, regardless of this guys orientation, just remember not to "rub the gayness in his face." most guys will try and be ok with the whole thing, until the first time they have to hear about gay sex.

(makes them fear Twinkies)

Polt said...

No he's not gay. The POLT name is not unknown around my workplace. Not well known, just not unknown. It's possbile he found it by searching for POLT stuff? Or was searching by blogs written by people in my town. Who knows, there are any number of things that could bring you to the Palace through Google.

And yeah, i don't plan on discussing my sexlife with him. We didn't discuss it before, we're not gonna discuss it after. :)

Thanks for the advice anyways, guys. Nice to know you care. :)


Anonymous said...

Just for the record - I want you to know that I did not tell!! I actually found you thru My Space simply by typing your name in. I was doing all the names in my address book to see who had them and who didn't (to see if it was worth having one). That of course led me to here.

I keep stopping by because I enjoy reading what you write (I skip over the stuff I don't care about). I always enjoy your stories at work and I enjoy them here as well.

Love Ya Lots!!!