Monday, April 09, 2007

Go on and cry in your coffee...

You may have noticed that I posted the Hot shirtless guys later today than usual. That's cause I went in to work today. I worked for a co-worker, so she could take off and not use leave, and that means she'll owe me a Saturday one time soon to make up for it, and I won't have to use leave. It's a win-win for everyone.

Except I HATE working on Mondays. It cuts my weekend in half; Monday is usually when I do my laundry; it's my day to sleep in usually; and I just don't want to BE at work then. I mean, it's all worth it when i get that Saturday off and don't have to take leave, BUT now....UGH.

So somehow I got up a bit early, I don't have any clue how, and showered and ate and everything and got to about 20 minutes early. Of course I wasn't even close to awake. So I had a cup of coffee. I don't really LIKE coffee, never have. I drink it at work sometimes just to wake me up. And I did so today, although one cup wasn't really enough, so i got a second. And after a bit, since i was still walking around the place draggin my ass ten feet behind me, I had a third.

And that was my mistake. Oh my GOD, I have such heartburn or indigestion, or whatever the hell I have. It's feels very acidic in my stomach. I hope i don't get the acid reflux crap and it wakes me up in the middle of the night with vomit working it's way up my throat.

And I am SO gittery. I mean, at work, while I was doing one thing, I kept thinking about the OTHER 5 or 6 things I had to do, and that's normal. I organize my day that way usually. But today, as I was doing #1, I was thinking CONSTANTLY about numbers 2-4 and worrying I might not get to 5 or 6, so I was doing everything really fast. I'm not that my handwriting was legible, and at least one person asked me if I was feeling okay because I was talking so FAST and one person said I seemed unfocused.

1 cup coffee = eye opener. 3 cups coffee = baaaaaad idea for Polt! lesson learned.


"I won! I'm a Senator!" "Congressman." "Whatever." - Krusty the Clown, The Simpsons

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