Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Too much information for my head (Part 36)...

As always I get these from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/

1. What is your middle name? Lamar.
2. Where do you keep your toys? In your nightstand? In the bottom drawer of my dresser, which is about a yard away from the bed, so they're close by.
3. How many toys do you have? List them! (links & pictures are nice, too!) =P I've got probably about a half dozen toys, although I'm going to decline to list them because that truly would be Too Much Infomation.
4. Are you a swinger (a person who dates/sleeps with multiple people at the same time.)? Ever wanted to be? I have been, most of my life. But not with the dating part of it, just with the sleeping with multiple people at the same time aspect of it.
5. When should parents sit children down for the "birds & bees" talk? When the kids first ask about it, OR about 11 or 12. Any later than that and 1) the kids have already heard it all and 2) they're probably gonna be too embarrassed to talk about the subject with thier parents.
Bonus (as in optional): Do you know how many sex offenders are in your city? Find out & tell me. (cLICK HERE) There is 17 listed.

POLT Oil:64.59 (-1.09); Gas:2.69 (-)

There's a hollow at the base of this throat that makes me want to pour honey all over him and lick it off. - Guy Bennett, Another Country


Anonymous said...

I learn something new every day. Polt, listing your toys would be TMI? So, you do have limits.
Say, I can't see any pictures on this Blog. Even your birthday countdown is gone. The Castle is there though. Might be my ancient Computer or is it Blogger?

Anonymous said...

Okay, the pictures are back now. Just to make me look foolish. Won't be the first or last time. Thanks Blogger!