Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sing my visions to the sky high mountains...

Today, I watched a DVD I got from Netflix called Sky High.

It's about a teenage who's the son of two superheroes. He a first day freshman at a school for superpowered teens, and he hasn't yet developed any powers. I know, I know, corny you're thinking. And yeah, it was a bit. but the comic book geek in me loved it! It was actually funny too. Great supporting performances from two of the Kids In The Hall, and Lynda Carter too! Kinda predicatable storyline, but pretty decent special effects. And, as I may have mentioned it was funny. I did enjoy it.

One of the best parts for me was the character of Warren Peace. No, not the character, exactly, but moreso, the actor who played him...Steven Strait.

Yeah, dark brooding bad boy, with a hot body, cute face AND a hairthing! It quite an unforuntate thing that we didn't get to see Mr. Strair thusly attired:

Nonetheless, a good flick in my opinion, and what's more, it exceeded the expectations I had for it. That's about the best endorsement I can give a film.


Live every life as if it were your last.

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