Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Got some cookies from our junk food run...

I came home from work today, and what should I find in my vestibule? (get your minds outta the gutter!) A PACKAGE! I LOVE packages! I wondered who it was from, and as I carried it up the stairs (not reading the return address on purpose, why ruin the surprise?) I remembered that Xi_Heather had emailed me that she and TwoPi had sent me a package! And then I was REALLY excited! And of course, then I thought of all you guys and how I know you'd want to share my excitement, so...

the package unopened. I truly believe I might have been squealing a little as I looked around for a knife.

Ooooooh, the suspence mounts!

This was the card! I hate summer, too hot, but because of this, I might just have a good one!

LOOK! It's Purple "P" cookies!!!!!! Is that amazing or WHAT? And so thoughtful!

They're purpley delicious!

Thanks you guys! Don't let anyone tell you that people you meet online are all weirdos. Well, most of them are, but weird in a good way! I mean who else in my life, in my 41 years, has EVER made me purple "P" cookies! And they're SOOO good!

Thanks again, guys! You're Purplastic!

POLT Listening to "No Need To Argue" by The Cranberries

In life, whoever has the most fun, wins! - TV commercial


Anonymous said...

How do you get people to send edibles? Damn!

All I ever get sent is electronic components.

john said...

And here I thought he would have just been happy with a package in his vestibule.

Polt, I have to say, you have a very photogenic face. I have yet to see a bad photo of you. (bastard...I mean that with love.... no I don't...)

Anonymous said...

Purple P cookies, you lucky dog. I hope you enjoy them.


Tam said...

Awwww. How sweet is that. I got the stink eye at work when I told someone about my "internet friends". How do you know they aren't weirdos? Umm. They are, but I love em anyway. LOL

Enjoy your purple Ps.

Xi_Heather said...

Glad you liked them! Incidentally, the first batch initially had a tapered end on the P, but then it looked TOTALLY different and inappropriate for the young ones who were in the kitchen at the time.

Polt said...

Ya know, Heather, I thought about that when I reached in to get one later. I saw the...shape, and thought, "Hmm, wonder if they put some double entrende in their cookies." :)

Either way, they're still delish!


Michelle M. said...

Purple P's - How cool and clever!

Ray Avito said...

That is ALL KINDS of awesome!!

Craig said...

That's great! I bet they were delicious too!