Monday, July 27, 2009

And we got heavy traffic on the stairs...

So this evening Corey came over. He brought a movie he had rented. It was called "Heavy Traffic" and it's description reads as follows: An "underground" cartoonist contends with life in the inner city, where various unsavory characters serve as inspiration for his artwork. It was made in 1973, and was truly horrible. We watched roughly 40 minutes of it, and then spent the rest of the time in conversation.

We talked about political issues, and gay rights, and black rights, and reverse discrimination, and it was a very interesting conversation as most of those are with him.

We also talked a bit more about the comic-con in Baltimore in October. He told me that he and his girlfriend are working on a Deadpool costume for him. It's a comic book character, but all you really need to know is that it's being made out of lycra and I'll be getting to see Corey in lycra and spandex! And he's been working out more, and I noticed it in his biceps tonight, so hopefully, there will be a lot of muscles and curves and bulges for the lycra and spandex to conform to when he wears it.

Also, Krissy, his girlfriend (grumble, I wish I could make myself hate her!) called and while they were talking, I snapped a quick photo of him.

It's not terribly good, but he doesn't like his photo taken, so I had to snap it quick. I'm committed to getting a good shot of him soon!

Also, he's house sitting for his mom this weekend, and Krissy coming over and his other friend Josh (who's also gay [oh shut up]) will be there too and he invited me over, saying they might watch movies and get a case of beer and hang out. I said I'd be there...just in case he wants to model the Deadpool costume...or what little they have made of it anyway.

All in all, as it always is with Corey, a fun night.

POLT Listening to "Drop" by The Jesus And Mary Chain

Straight guys do not have visible abdominal muscles. You gotta suck cock to get the kind of development. - Margaret Cho

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice evening, good for you!
