Monday, July 27, 2009

The squirrel gets crazy eyed and zippers back...

One thing I'll NOT miss when I move is how the squirrels around here are always spying on me. Think I'm delusional? HAH! I've got proof!

And let's not forget the things that happened HERE and HERE!

Ignore the wiliness of squirrels at your own peril.

POLT Listening to "Get Over It" by OK Go Oil: 68.21 (+.10); Gas: 2.42 (+.02)

Some people are determined to be idiots, immune to any evidence that conflicts with their jaundiced world view. - Johnny Warlock, Robin #137


Anonymous said...

They just want their Sexy Back!

FDot said...

I once had a squirrel that would come into my college dorm room and eat all the chocolate I had. I ended up chasing it one day through the dorm with a roommates' ski pole.