Friday, July 24, 2009

Crazy for tryin' and crazy for cryin'...

Elian Gonzalez is taken by law enforcement to be returned to Cuba. Conservatives, Republicans, and the wingnuts go CRAZY over excessive government intrusion into our lives!

At Ruby Ridge, law enforcement go onto private property to serve warrants, are shot at and ultimately have to use weapon fire to get into the home to do their jobs. Conservatives, Republicans and the wingnuts go CRAZY over excessive government intrusion into our lives!

At Waco, law enforcement is shot at and hit when they try to arrest cult leader David Koresh, there's a standoff and ultimately they have to go in with tanks and it's burnt to the ground. Conservatives, Republicans and the wingnust go CRAZY over excessive government intrusion into our lives!

In Cambridge Massachusetts, police arrest a middle aged man, in his own home after he shows them ID and identifies himself as the owner of the home. The president is asked about this at a live news conference. He states that in arresting a middle aged man, in his own home after he shows them ID and identified himself as the owner of the home, is to him "acting stupidly". Conservative, Republicans and the wingnuts go CRAZY.....over the president's statement.

SO, from this, we can draw the conclusion that if law enforcement needs to break into your home to enforce a legal order over child custody, or a legal warrant dealing with arms trafficing violations or a legal arrest warrant of criminal charges, then according to conservatives, Republicans and the wingnuts, that's a gross violation of practically everything we hold holy. But it's perfectly acceptable, NOT stupid, and totally justified for the police to arrest you in your own home after you've IDed yourself.

I just have to wonder, what would Boss Limbaugh, Screeching Harpy Ingraham, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, or Micheal Steele's reaction be if the police tried to arrest them in their own homes after they IDed themselves as the home owner. I'm totally and completely convinced they would peacefully and quietly allow themselves to be arrested and taken away, and further, they wouldn't expect any conservatives, Republicans or wingnuts to say anything negative about it.

*SIGH*...more typical Republican hypocracy.

POLT Listening to "Love My Way" by the Psychedelic Furs

Man I aint changed, but I know I'm not the same. - The Wallflowers

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