Wednesday, July 08, 2009

They may offer you lots of cheap thrills...

So today, after work, I put an offer on the house. We gave the bank until July 30th for a reply, and if they accept, we requested a settlement date of August 30th.

Man, it freaks me the fuck out to think I could be in a home of my own by Labor Day!

I am SO stressed about this. I've been having trouble sleeping, and my tummy been excessively rumbly as of late. And I don't think it's about whether I get this specific house or not. I'm stressed cause I'll be borrowing in the neighborhood of $100,000! All by spouse's or roommate's salary to help.

The most I've ever been in debt at one time is $17000 and that was for a car loan and credit card debt. I can't even fathom being over 5 times that much in debt. For 30 freakin' years! I'll be 71 when it's over...if I live that long!

I know, I know...I'm investing in something, and I'll have something to show for it when I get it paid off, and I can get it paid off early so it doesn't take 30 years, and so on and so on and so forth. My mind knows all that...but it doesn't stop my tummy from being rumbly.

I don't really feel stress in my life, but I tell you what, if people feel this all the time for their job, or what have you, I'm not at ALL surprised people take an AK-47 to work and clear the place out. Being stressed sucks.

Man, I hate getting mature and having adult responsibilites.

POLT Listening to "Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me?" by The Bloodhound Gang

Sometimes, all the detective work in the world can't beat a super-dog with a keen sense of smell. - Batman, Hush


Michelle M. said...

Being mature is overrated.
I feel you - we're going through the same thing : ).
Hope your rumblies dissipate soon.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes - hopefully you'll get it. BTW, accelerate the mortgage if you can.

Do so by paying $100 extra a month on the mortgage and once a year your entire tax refund. You'll cut a 30 year mortgage down to half that time or less. And the principle/interest flip happens about 6 years out.

Anonymous said...

Which house is this? Is it different then the one someone else put an offer on?

amie said...

You better start cleaning up that junk hole you live in now. ;) It will take AT LEAST two months to get it clean. No one wants to come and help move if the place is a mess and nothing is organized.

Polt said...

TUG: Nah, it's the same house. We'll see.

Amie: I was planned on just moving everything to the middle of the carpet in each room, folding the carpet up around it, moving it to the new house and then unfolding the carpet and just letting things fall where they may. Why change now? :)