Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Part 277....

Shirtlessness du jour

POLT Listening to "Optimistic" by Radiohead Oil: 64.72 (+.45); gas: 2.39 (-.01)

If someone is a good entertainer, it doesn't make them an expert in politics. - Arnold Schwarzenegger


Anonymous said...

What is he, about 16? You'd love what's going on in RI then. Seems not only is the age of consent 16, they can also work in a strip club so long as they're off work by 11:30PM.

Then of course indoor prostitution is still legal.

RI is so weird that way, no marriage equality but if you're 16 and want to be a stripper or prostitute you can.

Polt said...

Geez...why have I NOT been to a RI strip club yet?????? :)