Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Walk along the river, sweet lullaby...

Yesterday, after sleeping in a bit, having lunch with mom, mailing some letters, dropping off two prescriptions and having a talk with my mortgage lady, I was on my way to Frederick MD to spend the afternoon with the lovely Virginia!

I had no trouble finding her place. And then we took a short walk to Brewer's Alley for a great lunch. We then walked down Market Street window shopping and actually going into a few shops to look around. Then we walked along the...well I don't know what it's called. There's a stream that runs through Frederick that they've developed on both sides. Some is just parkland, others they've paved and bricked over and put up a nice promenade that has stores and luxury condos and that sorta stuff along it. I was QUITE impressed by it all. I had no idea Frederick had anything like that. She said it was like 4 miles from one end to the other, and we walked the whole length, taking time in the middle to return to her place in the middle of town to use the bathroom and get water, and then returning to the walk and finishing it.

It was an absolutely beautiful day. Sunny, cloudless sky, warm but not hot (about 80), no humidity. Perfect walking weather. And she's so much fun, she's a perfect walking companion.

I got to her place about 3:20 I think. I left about 6:40 I think. So I spent a good chunk of the afternoon there, but it just flew by. And now, I can't wait to go down another Monday this summer and hang out again!

I was having such a good time, I actually forgot to take many photos, but I did get a few.

One part of the riverwalk.

A family walking on the other side of the riverwalk. Now to be honest, I only snapped this photo trying to get the hunky shirtless father (who looks even better from the front than he did in this photo). It was only after I got the photo onto my computer that I noticed I got dad, mom, the kis in the stroller AND their dog. I think the inclusiveness makes a great photo.

A fountain at the riverwalk.

Another fountain whose water runs under us into the river itself. Neat design.

And one place, we decided to sit on a bench for a bit, and that's when we grabbed this photo.

Next time, and there WILL be a next time, I'll try to remember to take more photos.

POLT Listening to "When I Get You Alone" by Thicke

Our sex life isn't what it used to be. We're down to four times a day. - Justin, Queer As Folk


Virginia Rose Kane said...

It was great fun. And you turned my crappy day around so, I thank you! I look forward to another stroll. I've already decided where I'm taking you for dinner! HUGS ~V

Tam said...

I love the fountains, they are beautiful. Glad you had such a wonderful day.

Michelle M. said...

I've been to Frederick! It was hot/humid as hell. We ate ice cream and got a parking ticket.

Polt said...

Yep, Michelle M., that sounds just about what I always thoought Frederick was like.

But it's different now! I actually enjoyed it!