Thursday, July 30, 2009

My bags, they get a very close inspection, yeah...

So, tonight we had the home inspection. Two hours and $325 later, I find out there some electrical issues: wiring needs replaced, splice boxes covering a LOT of splicing, outside cable insulation needs replaced, those kinda things. There's also a few outlets that need secured and one need replaced.

There's other things like paint needing repainted, new caucking around windows, some outlets not grounded, things like that.

Tomorrow I'll get a copy of his report emailed to me, but he said, bascially it's a good house, in good, sound condition. The basement, attic and roof are all fine. So that's a relief. After reading the report, I'll talk it over with the realtor and see what she says, but I think I'm gonna make the seller pay to fix the electrical stuff. After all, that'll have to be fixed before she can sell it PERIOD, whether it's to me or someone else, so, to my mind, that's her responsibility. As for me, I'll take the smaller things on my own...or at least that's my plan. As I said, I'll discuss everything with the realtor and we'll see.

But all in all, it went quite well. Now, just 50,000 more hoops to jump through before the house is mine *SIGH*.

POLT Listening to "And She Was" by The Talking Heads

"You believe everything you read?" "Well, only the comics." "Comics will rot your brain, Doc." - Harley Quinn, Harley Quinn #27


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd make them fix the electrical. That's just too important to let slide. You don't want to do that stuff unless you know what you're doing.

tornwordo said...

I'd get an estimate from an electrician based on the report and negotiate a price break and then handle it myself. Otherwise you will have to trust that the seller will fix it correctly or pay for another inspection to be sure she/he does. Just my two cents.....from experience.

Polt said...

TUG: I can't let the electrical slide, the FHA inspection wouldn't approve the loan with the electrical the way it is, so it HAS to be fixed. Preferably with her (the seller) paying for it.

Tornwordo: the seller isn't living in the town I am, so she'd have to find a contractor here so something, I assume to get it fixed. Even so, if they do a crappy job, as I said above the FHA guy won't approve it, so it would just have to be redone her expense, I would assume.

I'll see when I get the report and discuss it with my realtor.

But thanks for the advice guys!


Virginia Rose Kane said...

I totally agree with Tornwordo. Find a top notch electrician and get an estimate for the worse case scenario. Your realtor can request the seller pay some of your closing costs to offset the electrician's bill. Hire it out yourself and have it done correctly. The seller will do the minimum to get FHA approval and it will come back to bite you in the ass eventually...and she'll be long gone. I'm uncomfortable with the word assume.

Anonymous said...

The inspectors always find something. Is the house occupied now? If it is it may be difficult to do some of the work yourself.


Michelle M. said...

Glad to hear there is nothing horribly wrong/expensive with the house. Now you're just that much closer. Yay!