Saturday, June 06, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 156)...

Chapter 6, Page 5...

I was the only one from my department at work today and it was INSANE.  So much stuff happening and I'm the only one there.  Processing new clients, doing paperwork for a special status of a client, only to have the situation change in the afternoon and all that paperwork needed to be destroyed; needing to generate a report for my boss; needed to change to job status of a client, per my boss; helping out co-workers who were ambushed with work, etc, etc, etc.  I was riding a wave of adrenaline and caffeine most of the day.

And then, when everything was finished and no new shit jumping out at me, when things got suddenly quiet...I crashed.  And crashed had.  I was exhausted.  And this was only 2:30ish.  I spent the rest of the day at work trying to just not fall asleep.

After work, I came home, still exhausted and did absolutely nothing.  I didn't even turn on the TV.  Just putzed around online, until I decided to go to bed and to sleep.

However, when i got out of work I had a text from Long Island Travis.  His friends in DC that he was currently with, were having a party Saturday night, and he wanted to go to it, and did I mind picking him up on Sunday instead of Saturday after work?

I really didn't mind, however, here was my thing: what time would I be getting him Sunday? If he's partying Saturday night, he assuredly would not want to get up early.  So let's assume I get him Sunday mid to late afternoon.

The buses for NYC leave Frederick Md (the closest bus stop to my house) and 230am, 530 am, 930am and 730pm (the last one got him back to NYC at 220am Tuesday morning).  So, the 930 one seemed the best time.  But that meant, since Frederick is 45 minutes away, we'd have to leave my house at 830.  Which also means, we'd have to get up well before that, but let's just say we got up at 8am.

If I pick him up at 4pm Sunday, and we have to leave my house 8am Monday, that give us less than 16 hours to hang out.  And that doesn't count any time we'd have to sleep.  It seemed like kind of a waste.

So I suggested to him that he just spend the entire weekend in DC with his friends, and than another weekend this year, just take a Sat/Sun and come visit me.  And he said OK.  I hope he's not pissed, or upset with me.  But really, I didn't see the point of spending such a limited amount of time hanging out.


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