Monday, June 08, 2015

The last two books I read, The Haunting Of Hill House and Killer Angels, were both on a list I found online back in April.


I dont recall the exact title of the list, but it was something about the greatest American novels ever written, or something like that.  Also on the list were things like The Great Gatsby, which I had read, and To Kill A Mockingbird which I had not.

At any rate, I ordered these two because: The Haunting Of Hill House, "the best American haunted house novel" and Killer Angels: "the best novel of the Civil War".

The Haunting Of Hill House was.......boring.  Oh, there were some things going on that made me make sure my bedroom door was shut at night, but by and large, I wasn't that interested.  In the end, I don't know if the protagonist was being haunted, or just going mentally insane.  And perhaps that's the point.  But I didn't enjoy it.

Killer Angels, however, was amazing!  So well written. I have read a lot on the Battle Of Gettysburg, but nothing that made it come alive like this.  Like I was THERE!  Just incredible.

So in short, from me, The Haunting Of Hill House: meh.  Killer Angels: Thumbs WAY up!


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