Sunday, December 17, 2006

The games that they play, down in L.A....

As I may have mentioned before, every other Sunday I have a regular engagement. I go to my friend's house and a group of us play Dungeons & Dragons. I've been roleplaying on and off since 8th grade, which would be about 1982 or so. Not always D&D, though. There's been the superhero games of Villians & Vigilantes, and the HERO system. there's been the Vampire: The Masquerade game. There's been the cross-genre TORG. And there's been many different version of D&D.

I first played in my friend, George's, game group back in the summer of 1992, and played regularly every other Sunday until the spring of 2000. I took a break, and ended up getting a parttime job at Borders where I had to work every Sunday. the gaming group kept going on without me. When I quit Borders in 2003, I rejoined the group that summer and have been with them ever since.

This particular group has seven regular members. The members of the group have..nicknames that we've had since we play back in the mi-90s. My name is Polt, naturally. George's is The Stranger. His wife, Brenda, is the Laughing Lynx. And my friend Chris is Phoenix (I've mentioned him numerous times before as well). These names were garnered from a number of sources some before we even started playing together. but when we'd log onto The Stranger's BBS back then, those were the names we used, so they kinda stuck. The three newer members have no codenames, as the BBS system was gone when they started.

The newer members are The Stranger's and Lynx's daughter Sophia; and the 'couple' Jerome and Goldie. the seven of us have more or less been together since I rejoined, although Goldie joined after me.

There have, in my memory, been many other players that no longer do. There's Dennis, Alex, Bird, Conrad, Tanda,Mechaman, Bandit, Kenny, Johnnie (yes, my friend Johnnie is Philly I know from there), another George, Lane, Stephanie, Michael, John, and Desiree. Man, until I just typed them all out, I had forgotten about some of them, or the amount of ex-players that I've played with.

At any rate, each game, I record some of the stupid/funny stuff we say during the games, and call them Gamelines. I thought, after each session, when i got home, I post a few here. Most of them, unless you're in the game, you're not gonna "get" them, but some might be universally funny, and those are the ones I'll try to post.

Also, so as to make things a bit easier to follow, I've found icons for the seven of us!

There is, of course, Ye Olde Uncle Polt himself.

And George AKA The Stranger.

His wife the Lafing Lynx

And my buddy Phoenix.

Sophia doesn't have a nickname, but she LOVES this Sailor Moon character and anime in general, so this one seemed appropriate.

Jerome doesn't have a nickname either, but I found a photo of St. Jerome, and to have our Jerome represented by a saint is just too ironic for words! So I'll be using this one.

And Goldie, as reprented by Goldie Hawn, in her bubble-headed blonde phase. And yes, this is appropriate for our Goldie as well.

And now, onto the Gamelines for Dec 17, 2006:
"Is it a flame tongue?" "I have a flame tongue." - Asher, the dragon
Just ignore the wrinkle in the space/time continuum. - George
I killed two and a half! - Ciarra, the pixie
"There's mannequins?" "NO, Goldie, manacles!"
"He falls." "Aw." "Why aw?" "I had more attacks left." - Ciarra
We had a rousing good fight with those monkey things! - Raoulet
You're NOT breathing fire in a room full of poo! - Raoulet
Does anyone have a See Through Poo spell?


"Help me name my baby." "How about Bastard?" - Nancy, Sid & Nancy

1 comment:

Doug said...

It's very cool you still play. I haven't played in years, though I still have all my old books. I can't bear to part with them.