Friday, December 15, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Well, no, not really, it isn't. It doesn't seem like Christmas at all. Not a hint of snow so far. This weekend, the temps are supposed to be in the 60's...when they SHOULD be about 35 or so. And I've yet to hear the "12 Pain Of Christmas" song in the radio (which is actually the 13th pain of Christmas itself, but that's another post).

I just haven't gotten the Christmas spirit yet. I think it's all kinda anti-climatic, since it feels like I've already celebrated Christmas, when Freddie was here. I mean, gifts were exchanged, thank yous given, tons of paper to clean up, wrapping of the gifts in the first place, and repeated hot sex with a cute guy...ALL the Christmas traditions! (Well, the last one isn't really a Christmas tradition of mine so much as it's a Christmas WISH of mine....)

Aw, well, I still got 10 days to Christmas...we'll see.

But shouldn't I already have the two turtle doves and partridge in a pear tree? (Keith Partridge, if you please...pear tree optional.)


Will, I told you, you live with a hetero long enough, you're going to catch it. - Jack, Will&Grace

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