Sunday, December 17, 2006

I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys'R'us kid....

I copied this from Tornwordo who got it from Lightning Bug's Butt. With minor modifications, it pretty much sums my thoughts in total. And there's no way I could write it any better. So with all due credit to Tornwordo and LBB, I give you the following:

I stopped maturing at 12. Other than taking an interest in the opposite (ahem, same) sex [yeah, same sex for me too], I haven't changed since childhood. As a teen and then as a young adult, I assumed one day the aging process would instill a decent work ethic and a sense of responsibility. I figured a codified adult mentality would “kick-in” at some point. I'm in my mid-30s (I'm 41!) [I'm not quite 40] and I'm still waiting. My biggest priorities are still: sleeping in, dodging work and responsibility, watching TV, surfing the Net, scoring good meals and dessert, playing games, working out, hanging out, wasting time and doing as little as possible [not so much the working out part, but for all of the rest, yeppers, me too!] . No joke, people. Honest Indian. Mind you, I don't just long to do these things. I actually DO them. I've worked part-time most of my adult life, including my present job [the majority of the jobs I've had have been part-time, but I've been at my full time job for a bit over 10 years]. I still watch cartoons. I still eat candy. I still play with toys. I still contemplate what I want to be when I grow older. Between leisure time and a chance to earn more money, I'll take leisure every damn time. I've tried, but I can't give a damn about adult stuff. Who gives a shit about careers, productivity, mortgages and retirement funds, really? Fuck that shit.

Fuck that shit, indeed! i couldn't have put it any more elloquently or succinctly.


I don't speak no Spanish so you better habla your ass some English quick! - Dee, Camp

1 comment:

Ryan said...

omg great post!