Monday, December 25, 2006

Push it, push it real good...

This is perhaps THE coolest commerical ever made. I LOVE it!

I laugh everytime I see it!

....I can never remember exactly what brand it's advertising, so I guess it fails in that respect, but it sure is a memorable one!


"So I wake up this morning and guess what is sitting on the end of my bed?" "A turd???" - Bill, Freaks & Geeks


Anonymous said...

Cute commercial but I'll be honest, I can't stand the walkie-talkie feature on Nextel phones. It's annoying as all hell and if I wanted to know your personal business I'd ask if you could turn the volume up to 11.

They ought to be banned.

Truthspew said...

Interesting commercial and that's Salt n' Peppa in the song.

They were an interesting duo and weren't afraid to say what everyone was thinking.

Those Nextel phones ought to be banned, collected and burned in a pile. I hate them.