Friday, December 08, 2006

I've been searching high, I've been searching low...

Once more I thought I'd check and see what some visitors were searching for when they stumbled upon the Palace.

as long as your grungy
blog gay xtube
boardwalk bar Lukas Ridgeston
britney going commando
Daniel Craig
Garfield too much information for my head
Heat Mizer avatar
Heat Mizer wallpaper
Helena Bertinelli sexy
Sean Astin speedo balcony
Series Smallville Tom Welling queer
Superman bulge
touch my naughty places
weird Mensa nonconformist millionaires
west guestbook
a woman's fidelity
wrinkling of the skin because of suntanning

My favorite is the "weird Mensa nonconformist millionaires". not only do I wonder WHY they would be brought to the Palace when searching for this, I also have to wonder, WHY in God's name anyone would be searching for that in the first place!

ya know, these are fun...I might have to do these on a semi-regular basis.


What is the difference between Adolf Hitler's invasion of Poland and Bush's invasion of Iraq? There is no difference. Both were unprovoked attacks in violation of international law. Both were blatant attempts to achieve political objectives by force - in Hitler's case, teh annexation of Poland; in Bush's case, regime change. Morally, there is not a thread of difference between the bombing of Warsaw and the bombing of Baghdad. - Charley Reese, Oct 20, 2004


Doug said...

"touch my naughty places?" Gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

Tom Welling .... yummy
