Sunday, December 24, 2006

It's that time of year, Christmas is here...

Christmas Meme....

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate, DEFINATELY!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Gotta be wrapped! It's not Christmas without wrapped gifts!
3. Colored lights on tree/house or clear? I generally prefer the white lights only...which is rather strange, considering the rest of the tree looks like a rainbow threw up on it.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Only from my belt buckle. WHOA-HO! thanks, thanks, I'll be here all week! Don't forget to tip your waiters!
5. When do you put your decorations up? Generally, i try to do it the first weekend of December.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding desserts)? i don't have a specific dish, but Mama Polt's Christmas meal makes my mouth water ANYtime of year i think of it.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Every year, when we put the tree up, we had the camera there to take pictures, and every year, without fail, I'd get a pciture of my dad's ass when he bent over for something, and every year, without fail, he's yell at me for it, and every year without fail, mom and I would laugh ourselves silly about it all.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? Pretty early, actually. We didn't have a chimney, so that's what started my questions, including how we could go to two different malls in the same day and have Santa at each.
9. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? Nope, Santa brings the gifts after the kids go to bed, you can't open a gift before Santa brings them!
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? badly. With rainbow blanket at it's foot, rainbow star at it's top, rainbow garland, rainbow glass ornaments, and white lights (see #3).
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it! bring it on! The more the merrier, cause the more, the greater the chance I have for an excuse not to go to work!
12. Can you ice skate? Not to save my life.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift as a kid? I really don't have one gift that sticks out at particularly memorable.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Getting together with family and just hanging out with people you used to see all the time, but now only see a few times a year.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? I'm usually too full for about Mama Polt's Homemade Peanut Brittle.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Writing the Christmas cards on Thanksgiving while watching the Dallas Cowboys game, and mailing them so most people get them December 1st.
17. What tops your tree? A rainbow star.
18. Which do you prefer---giving or receiving?
Isn't that a bit personal? Either way, i think giving is better.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Santa Baby as sung by Eartha Kitt. Or maybe Ave Maria, if that's a Christmas Song.
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? Yummy!
21. Stockings? Or no Stockings? No stockings...never had a chimney to hang them by.
22. Do you like sledding? Love it! Well, the riding down part anyway...not so much the walking back up the hill dragging the sled.
23. Farthest you've traveled for Christmas day? Never outside of town, all my immediate family lives within a half hour of me.
24. Do you leave out cookies or carrots for when Santa comes? As a kid I did, now I just eat them myself.
25. What gets you into the holiday spirit? Sometimes, the Christmas carding; sometimes watching "The Year Without A Santa Claus"; sometimes snow.
26. Does your wrapping colour coordinate? my clothes dont' even color coordinate, why would I worry about my wrapping?
27. Favourite gift you've ever given? I don't really have any one.
28. Most fun holiday memory?
The year it snowed on Christmas, and after the opening of the gifts, and the Christmas meal, we went sledding!
29. Do you wrap your own gifts? Yes, but horribly. I never have to put who my gifts are from, they're so badly wrapped, everyone knows.
30. Most missed memory from childhood? The excitement of walking into the room and seeing all the wrapped gifts under the tree for the first time!


It's different with Vince. He's Italian. All Italian men are gay. - Rho, Will & Grace

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