Friday, December 08, 2006

Mouthwash jukebox gasoline...

It's now been one month since we found out the results of the election, and gas prices, at least around here, have gone up 22 cents a gallon. Funny how it dropped so fast and so suddenly right after Labor Day when voters minds turn to upcoming elections, and now that's it's over, it's jackin back up again.

Couldn't have anything to do with oil company execs wanting to keep thier Republicans buddies in Congress and keep the obscene profits rolling in, could it? And now that the election's over, there's no need for them to keep the prices down.

You'll note, however, that the prices haven't shot up to the almost three dollar range they were over the summer...back when the oil execs knew Congress wouldn't take any action, not even hold hearings, on the price because the Republicans were in charge. I think the Democrats being in charge has helped keep the price down, cause the oil execs know now that if they raise it too high and too fast, the Dems would have no qualms about looking into price gouging or monopolies or what have you.

My hope is, the Democrats do all that anyway....damn greedy oil exec sons-a-bitches....


These jeans are like a cheap hotel: no ballroom. - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Doug said...

I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

One must wonder if Polt (and the democrats in general) would make so much noise if they actually owned the oil companies.

Fairy Godfather. (libertarian)

Polt said...

I would like to think that if I, or democrats in general, owned the oil companies, we wouldn't be greedily pursuing obscene profits at all costs, even gouging the American public with baseless price increases.

I don't begrudge any company making profits, nor raising thier prices when they need to...however, when you're jacking up the price of gas at the same time you're making the largest profits in history, well, that doesnt add up.

Why would a company raise it's prices steeply if thier making historic profits? A company would raise it's prices, one would think, to make up for losses they were incurring, or perhaps to get a little bit ahead.

record breaking profits are not getting "a little bit" ahead, nor are they just for making up losses. They're for padding the wallets of the execs. Blatant greed.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Thank you.

You answered my question within the first paragraph "I would like to think...we wouldn't be pursuing obscene profits..."

But in all honesty most of us would be pursuing those profits if for no other reason then that we are bored with all the cash and are just doing it as a game to see how far the limit could be pushed.

I would like to think I wouldn't be greedy, too, but in all honesty I know that I would be kidding myself.

(greedy) Fairy Godfather.

Polt said...

Oh, well i guess you showed me then, eh, "answering" your question right away. Wow, how you outsmarted me there.

I think it's grand that you're so introspective that you know that you'd be a greedy son-of-a-bitch as well, given unbridled power. And how you'd turn it all into a game.

I think it's extremely cynical of you to assume everyone else would do that.

Are the execs of Hershey Chocolate companies charging us $10 per candy bar? Are the execs in charge of Bayer aspirin charging us $50 a bottle? Are the makers of Sharpie magic markers charging us $75 dollars a marker. Are the execs of Dell computers charing us $50,000 for a laptop? Are the execs at Ford company charging us $1,000,000 for a Taurus?

nope. But if they were, that would be in the pursuit of "obscene profits", which they're not doing. So saying that someone in power, like an exec of a large corporation, is automatically going to push for thsoe obscene profits "just because that's human nature" is not only false, but giving an out, an excuse to those execs that do. "oh, I HAD to try to pursue obscene profits, I couldn't help myself, it's human nature."

Which leads me back to what my orignial point was: the oil execs are greedy sons-a-bitches, and their price gouging of the American public, especially while raking in profits never before seen in American history, needs to be invesitgated.

And by the way, if the time ever arrives that you've got so much cash you've grown "bored" with it, please send some my way. I can assure I'd NEVER get bored with cash.