Saturday, October 27, 2007

Now her parents are divorced...

In an incidence of outright blatant pandering, Rudy Giuliani recently told a Far Right Religious Wingnut Republican group that he would support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage if "the Defense Of Marriage Act appeared to be failing or if a number of states legalized same sex marriage".

Ignoring for the moment the flip-flopping of the man, who is a supporter of gay rights, until of course, he needs the votes of people who rabidly against them, I just have a question. Does anyone else see any hypocracy in a multiple divorced man denying gay and lesbian couple the right to marry?

When you get down to it, what's the bigger threat to marriage: a gay couple that's been together 15 years getting married, or a straight man being divorced and remarried more than once?


Listening to "Goodbye Horses" by Psyche

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