Thursday, October 25, 2007

So he shrinks as they ride, under vermillion sky...

Shrink: (v) to compact; to dwindle; to draw back. Or see photo.

The shrinkage in this case would be nearly immeasurable. His testicles are probably nestled up under his liver.

POLT Oil: 90.80 (+3.14); gas: 2.82 (+.01)

Listening to "Pride And Joy" by Stevie Ray Vaughn


Truthspew said...

Ok, here I go getting scientific on you. His testicles are probably loving it, it's the penis that shrivels when it's cold.

Testicles are pushed outward because sperm production is best at temperatures below 98.6F. So then we go and bind everything up with briefs and we wonder why sperm counts are so low.

Just thought I'd inject a little reality into your flight of fancy.

exile said...

hell, this pic main mine shrink up

oh, polt, i need to know, how do you (polt) describe the color "vermillion"?

Anonymous said...

i've done that, turns out ur balls shrink up pretty well.

i did an experiment to try, my dick shrank 60% of its normal size of 7in. thats messed