Tuesday, October 02, 2007

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 62)...

TMI Tuesday

1. Early bird or night owl? Night Owl, DEFINITELY! Much rather stay up to see the sunrise than try to wake up to see it.
2. If you could only be one, would you rather be smart or good looking? Gee, since I’m both now, this is a toughy. Seriously, I think I’d rather be good-looking. I mean, people forgive you all kinds of sins if you’re nice on the eyes. And you don’t see people lining up to fuck with Nobel Prize Winners, do ya? Also, if I’m not smart but good-looking, I won’t know it, I’ll just be dumb and happy. But if I’m smart and not good-looking, I’m gonna know that, and have to deal with the knowledge that I’m not good-looking. (Jeez, I didn’t know I’d sound THAT superficial)
3. Do you gossip? Whatever you heard, I didn’t say it! I do like to hear gossip from around work, but I don’t generally pass it on at work. That way, I don’t alienate anyone and get to hear all the juicy stuff from everyone.
4. On a scale of 1-10, how adventurous are you? (1 is lowest, 10 is highest) 3, maybe 2. I’m pretty comfortable, and I like being that way.
5. On a scale of 1-10, how good a kisser do you think you are? ( ditto ) Hmm, well I’m told I’m pretty good, but people might just be saying that. I guess if I wasn’t any good, they wouldn’t lie and say I was, they’d just stop kissing me. So I’ll go with an 8…maybe a 9? Definitely no lower than 7. We could ask Freddie for his opinion......
Bonus (as in optional):What do you consider the biggest turn on out of the following? a) lingerie b) movies c) toys d) role playing e) leather f) none of this does anything for me. Movies, my God, movies! I don’t own any lingerie, I have a handful of toys that get very little use, role playing to me is Dungeons& Dragons, leather smells and chafes, but I DO have my Wall O’Porn: a shelf encompassing one wall FULL to overflowing with pornos. Feel free to stop by and borrow one sometime.


Resolv'd to sing no songs to-day but those of manly attachment. - Walt Whitman


Bunny said...

Nice analysis on the smart vs. good-looking question! I would probably line up to fuck Nobel Prize winners, but I'm a genius groupie. Some women like rock stars, I like brilliant but socially inept geeks. They tend to not cheat on you . . .

I'd say you are pretty adventurous - you're dating a teenager at your (rapidly advancing) age. That takes, um, guts. Yeah, guts, that's what I was thinking. (Having just turned 40 myself, I know whereof I speak).

Maybe I will stop by Chez Polt's Movie Rentals. I actually do like gay porn, you know . . .

Happy TMI!

Truthspew said...

Mine is still in my drafts folder but I'd prefer good looking to being smart as all hell.

I'm shallow that way.

Professor Fate said...

Part 62!! Damn, I have been repeating questions because I thought everybody was new. I guess I should pay attention.

Happy TMI

Anonymous said...

A Wall O' Porn!?!? OUTSTANDING... I'll be right over.


Stephen R. said...

Now, don't be telling me that I can stop by and borrow some porn!!!! I'll be at your house before the hour is out!!!!

My favorite part of your TMI Tuesday: "role playing to me is Dungeons& Dragons"

That's classic!!!