Tuesday, October 16, 2007

TMI Tuesdays

1. What was the first movie you saw on a date? I don’t have the slightest idea. I don’t even remember my first official date. I remember seeing "Pretty In Pink" in an almost empty theater with Michelle Bricker. Had my hands all over her boobs through most of the movie.
2. Who was the first person you kissed on a date? [First name is fine.] Wow….I don’t know. I had many female friends all through school, and we’d always hang out together, sometimes going to the movies and all. But none of those were dates. Probably Kathy Speaks, as she’s the first girl I really ‘dated’.
3. Where was the first place you ever "parked" (on a date)? I just fooled around with them in their parents’ house after the parents were asleep. Oh, about ten years ago, I did go park one place at the Gettyburg Battlefield with this guy Thom. He and I dated for a while, but it didn’t work out. I guess having your first meeting be sex in a car in the parking lot of a National Park really isn’t condusive to a long relationship.
4. Have you ever gone on a date with someone you met via the internet? If not, would you? Yeah. I met Freddie online, and we’ve been on a few dates. More often than not, though, if I meet someone online, it’s for sex, not for dating.
5. What is the most romantic thing you have done on a first date? I don’t think I’m particularly romantic on a first date at all. Although, Freddie and I talked on line for some time before we met in person, and when we did, I had gotten him a silver necklace to wear, which I guess was pretty romantic. He wore it all the time, until the clasp broke.
Bonus (as in optional):Describe the best date you have ever been on. Wow….I don’t have any really outstandingly memorable dates. Most of the time, when I meet someone, we have sex first, and then the relationship builds from there. Rarely is there ever just a date first. AH, the joys of being a gay man.



Bunny said...

Aw, the necklace for Freddie was romantic . . .

Happy TMI!

Professor Fate said...

I have found that having your first meeting be sex in a car isn’t conducive to a long relationship (I don't think the National Park changes much).

I have found that you are very right about number 4.

Happy TMI!