Thursday, September 04, 2008

Goin' out lookin' for a cynical girl, who's got no use...

Got this from Scott over at Mike Murphy is a Republican, as is Peggy Noonan, and she was also a speechwriter for Reagan. Chuck Todd works for MSNBC. This was recorded when they thought their mics were turned off, but were still on. The transcript is below for you to follow.

CHUCK TODD: Mike Murphy, lots of free advice, we'll see if Steve Schmidt and the boys were watching. We'll find out on your blackberry. Tonight voters will get their chance to hear from Sarah Palin and she will get the chance to show voters she's the right woman for the job Up next, one man who's already convinced and he'll us why Gov. Jon Huntsman.(cut away)
MIKE MURPHY: You know, because I come out of the blue swing state governor world: Engler, Whitman, Tommy Thompson, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush. I mean, these guys — this is how you win a Texas race, just run it up. And it's not gonna work. And –
PEGGY NOONAN: It's over.
MIKE MURPHY: Still McCain can give a version of the Lieberman speech to do himself some good.
CHUCK TODD: I also think the Palin pick is insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, too.
PEGGY NOONAN: Saw Kay this morning.
CHUCK TODD: Yeah, she's never looked comfortable about this –
MIKE MURPHY: They're all bummed out.
CHUCK TODD: Yeah, I mean is she really the most qualified woman they could have turned to?
PEGGY NOONAN: The most qualified? No! I think they went for this — excuse me– political bullshit about narratives –

CHUCK TODD: Yeah they went to a narrative.
MIKE MURPHY: I totally agree.
PEGGY NOONAN: Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it.
MIKE MURPHY: You know what's really the worst thing about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical.

CHUCK TODD: This is cynical, and as you called it, gimmicky.

I have NEVER in my life been more hopeful that Republican strategists are correct. And how truthful. If these Republican operatives can see this, why can't the American people?

POLT Listening to the football game

Well for Christ's sake, the woman clung to your tap shoes while she was flung through the air like a lawn dart! - Loretta, Drop Dead Gorgeous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Gimmicky" OUCH!

Once the newness is off Sarah Palin and what appears to be a religious zealot streak is being reported on, I don't think they'll have anything to worry about.