Wednesday, September 14, 2005

1000 more fools are being born every fucking day...

HEY, I just, earlier today, had my 1000th visit!!!

WHOO-HOOOO! Party! Party at Polt's Palace!

The Palace is open to any visitor! Stop by and enjoy!

Some guests are already here, the party's in full swing!

We've got beer and liquor, even a keg!

Or you could BYOB!

We've got food! And helpful wait staff to take your orders, bring it to you and clean up afterwards.
So bring along your, whatever....

And don your party apparel! We have games!
There'll be entertainment provided!

We have a DJ! There'll be dancing! A hot tub is available. The authorities have been taken care of! Don't drink too much, or bad things could happen. Our bathroom facilites accomadate plenty. You need to shower, we can help there too. And if you want to stay and sleep over, we can take care of that too!

Seriously, everyone, thanks! It's amazing to think that ANYONE would read my lil ole blog, but to get 1000 visits in less three months, and go from 900-1000 in 6 days kinda boggles my mind. I shall endeavour to continue to give you guys a reason to return.

Thanks, seriously, I'm touched!

POLT = listening to "Just Can't Get Enough" by Depeche Mode

You're not too smart, are you? I like that in a man. - Kathleen Turner, Body Heat


Anonymous said...

Congras on your 1000 visitor.
Love the marriage icon and thanks alot for posting my pic again of dancing with the straight boys trying to dance.

Anonymous said...


....and you didn't invite me?????
I'm not angry....just terribly terribly annoyed. LOL.

Fairy Godfather