Monday, September 19, 2005

Odds and ends, lost time in never found again...

So, I got a couple small things here, and instead of making 4 small posts, I'll just make one post with them all in it.

Firstly, let me give a shout out ( MTV, huh? Who knew Uncle Polt had it in him?) to Aggie, who's sunning herself in the Mexican Riveria (aka Cancun) with her boytoy and a whole horde of cute young Mexican boys. Lucky bitch. Hope she gets a sunburn in her nether region. Just kidding, sweetie! Love you more than a new set of snow tires!

It seems she's gonna be a world traveling jet-setter. She's in Cancun from last Saturday until this Thursday, then next Thursday, she leaves for Toronto, returning the following Wednesday. And then sometime in October, she's going on a cruise to Bermuda. Oh, don't we all feel sorry for her, and how tired she'll be after ALL this nasty vacationing. Check out her blog and leave a comment with your sympathies. hehehe....
My Fairy Godfather left a comment recently, in regards to the photo I posted of the nearly naked Sebastian:

Yep! Sebastian Bonnet has been my favorite Bel Ami model (and actor) since they started putting out videos. My ultimate fantasy guy. (wink)

So, if anyone knows Mr. Bonnet personally, and can afford to fly him here from the Czech Republic, I know a place he can visit in Michigan for some fun and...relaxation. I'm just saying...
If i had any reason to doubt that my lil buddy Johnnie had testicles, or the size of them, that has now been resolved. It seems Johnnie went to the Eagles - 49ers game IN Philly on Sunday. Okay, no big deal about that, except that he went in full 49ers regala...big 49ers jersey, probably 49ers cap, and sweatpants with their logo on them too. hell, he was probably wearing 49ers undies. This guy is a huge fan. (He even named his dog Montana. No not for the state, but for Joe Montana. ANd he named his new cat something about the 49ers too, I think, but hell, she's a cat, and since they ARE the spawn of satan, like I'm really gonna pay any attention to stuff about her anyway. But I digress...)

So he rides the subway to the stadium, and goes inside, with only one friend along to watch his back. (the friend, i am told, wisely wore Eagle gear) And aside from some somewhat rude comments, he returned home unscathed. But considering the way the fans in the "City Of Brotherly Love" (always thought that applied more to San Francisco than Philadelphia, but I digress again...) treat some opposing teams and thier fans, I did have some fear the boy might not make it through the experience.

The fact the Eagles trounced the 49ers something like 42-3 probably helped keep him safe. When you're team is losing that badly, and never a threat, why heap on more embarassment?

Nonetheless, by just doing this in the first place, I have a newfound respect for the boy.
ANd speaking of football, Washington comes to Dallas tonight for Monday Night Football! Whoo-hooo! God I hate the Redskins, and the arrogance of thier fans as well. Course, growing up a Cowboy fan in Redskin territorial probably has something to do with my feelings on that subject. Nonetheless, I wanna be shouting all night: How 'Bout Them Cowboys!

POLT = listening to "Say Something" by James

I'm not here to make the world smell better. - Steve-O, Jackass

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let me clear some things up. yes i have gigantic testicles, as my actions have proven, but no my cat is not named after anything 49ers related. my cat is named "General Tso" because there's where all cats end up anyway. I wouldn't demean my team by naming a cat after one of them. Also, Montana's full name is "Montana Rice." Now, my 9ers are facing the cowgirls this week, so all i can say is GO 9ERS!!!!!!!