Friday, September 16, 2005

Cos it dont talk back...

Well, have I got comments? I got a whole horde of them here. And I'll share them...

Firstly, we have Aggie, who writes:

Congras on your 1000 visitor.Love the marriage icon and thanks alot for posting my pic again of dancing with the straight boys trying to dance.

Thank you. I like it too. Found it on another blog and from there, found the site to go to. And no problem with the reposting of the "grinding" photo. I thought I should have at least one that showed a girl dancing and, well, despite all the photos I have, we all know there ain't gonna be too many of chicks dancing in them. So I used what I had. I knew you wouldn't mind.
My Fairy Godfather writes, in regards to the 1000th visit party:

!!!!!!!!!....and you didn't invite me?????I'm not angry....just terribly terribly annoyed. LOL.

Your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. (They DO have mail services to those trailer parks out in the woods in the middle of nowhere michigan, right? Not that I have anything against trailer parks. Hell, I got a couple cousins who were probably concieved up against a double wide!) ANyway, I was just waiting fo you to read about it an make your entrance to the party, as any good queen will. And by then, all the hot guys would be there, and you could have your pick of them. yeah, that's it!
And next we have some comments from my fellow blogger from the Great White North, Lone Primate:

( ) written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) blown bubbles
No, but I've written a letter to bubbles and blo-- oh, nevermind. :)

Bwahahahhahaah!!! See, THIS is why I love this guy! hehehehe..... (bet ya got that pony for Christmas one year though, didntcha?)

I still can't understand why I haven't seen the word "impeach" on any US newspaper sites. Clinton abuses a White House cigar and Congress shakes it like a rag doll for two years, but this guy contributes to the deaths of maybe 10,000 Americans and nothing? Shouldn't he be in a hole somewhere beside bin Laden, for Christ's sake??

Well, having a Congress, who starts impeachment procedings, run by the same party as Bushie goes a long was to explaining it. And really, would Cheney be any better? and he can't be in the spider hole with bin Laden...that's where they hide Cheney when they dont to trot him out before the cameras.

Communism and impotency in the same thought.'S got kind of a Chinese flavour to it, doesn't it? :)

Hmm, Communism and I always associate like General Cho's Chicken with Chinese flavor. hehehhe.....

ANyway, thanks for the three responses, Lone. Hope the weather's nice up there, as in two short weeks, I will be in Toronto! WHoo-hooo!

POLT = listening to "Let's Get Retarded" by the Black Eyed Peas

A chicken with it's neck wrung is different from a chicken with it's head cut off, but does it matter to the chicken? - Palin, Dragonlance Tales #1

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