Sunday, September 18, 2005

If I promise to go to church on Sunday...

So, kids, Uncle Polt went to church this morning...and surprisingly he did not sponaneously combust, nor did the church explode. Who knew?

My cousin's 5 month son Cameron, was getting baptized. So because it was for him, despite the early hour AND the long drive AND the fact it was a Sunay AND there was football, despite all that, I got got ready and went anyway.

The service was held at the Methodist church, in my cousins town. I gotta tell you, as should probably be obvious, I am not a big fan of organized religion. I have never liked listening to a boring man, drone on and on and on on a Sunday morning when I'd rather be sleeping.

But this service, was absolutely THE best, THE most interesting service I have ever been a part of. Firstly, the sermon itself lasted perhaps 15 minutes, if that long. But the message got across. And the Pastor did not just stand behind the pulpit, reading from his notes. no, he was walking around, and speaking just as if he was in your home talking to you. He interrupted himself to tell a funny, true analogy that made his point. He was funny and laughed and was just a riveting speaker.

Early on in the service, he told us to greet and welcome each other. And in the church I attended previously, that meant saying hi to the people in your pew and the pews in front of you and behind you. Oh not here! Here, people got out and wandered to the other end of the church to greet people. The choir came down from their seats and ciruclated around and greeted people. Now maybe this isn't unusual in your church, but the one I used to go to, it was much more...staid, and traditional.

But then, I think I was probably about the average of the parishioner in this church. My old church, I wsa some 20 years younger than the average age, I'd say.

so, the choir sang, and they collected the offering. Then, the pastor sat on the top step leading up to the area where the pulpit and choir were. And he called for all the children. And something along the lines of 30 kids or so came running up. They sat on the stairs with him, and on the floor in front of him. And he did a short little sermon related to the main one he was giving. And the kids were watching intentively. It was great. After this, about half the kids left, and the other half lined them selves up and sang. The youth choir had kids from like 7-11 or so. ANd they were all adorable.

As an aside, the future fag of the choir was quite ovbious to me: khaki pants, blue button shirt (with tail immaculately tucked in), hair combed just so...and the clincher...he kept time with his clapping, never losing the beat, and he swayed side to side, and clapped side to side as well, while singing. He just screamed future fag to me. It was cute.

After this is when the pastor gave his sermon and we were outta there. Oh there were hymns, and the baptism, and singing and stuff, but the whole service lasted like 60 minutes or so. And I was riveted by it all.

If i lived closer, I MIGHT be inclined to visit the church more often...depending on how thier politics (if any) were. And THAT, kids, is really saying something!

POLT = listening to "History Repeating" by The Propellorheards
below is a photo of me and the baptism boy.

I can't believe I just drank that! Your water tastes like ass! - Malcolm, Scotland PA

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