Friday, September 09, 2005

So long, so wrong....

So, i got two comments from the Lone Primate, a Toronto blogger (lucky bugger, living in Toronto). They are as follows:

Polt: It shows that most of my visitors come from the Eastern US...
Lone Primate: Well, not necessarily. :)
Polt: But that means that still only about 84% are from the US.
Lone Primate: Mmmnnn, not necessarily. :)

Hmm, yes, I'm sorry. How silly of me to be so America-centric. I should have said something like "time zone the Eastern US is in" or something like that. not only did I ignore Lone Primate and the rest of that part of Canada, but I ignored a big chunk of Brazil and the Caribbean and a goodly portion of South America. I just figured it was mostly the US, cause that's where I live and where my friends are. But, I'm glad to see you stopping by and commenting, and I'll endeavour to remember it's not the US. (Geez, how could I, of all people, forget about Toronto?)

Next, the Primate writes:
I heard about that yesterday. Passed in both houses in California (fellahs: why bicameral legislatures at the state level?), but I'm hearing by the thinnest of margins, so no hope if Herr Ubergovernor drops the veto bomb. What do the polls in California say? Any idea?

I haven't seen any polls, I have no idea. I don't the anti-gay marriage, far Right, Christian Conservative Radical Republicans are trying to get it put onto the ballot on next year's election, to see if they can change the California Constitution to become a discriminatory document. ANd bicameral legislature, why not? It's good enough for the Feds, and every state in the union but Nebraska. And I'm glad, cause if not, the Senate would be meaningless, Dennis Hastert would be Prime Minister and a Democratic retake of the Senate would mean nothing. I'd love to say we could retake the House too...but even my glasses aren't THAT rose colored.

I thought I'd swing by (no pun intended) since you were nice enough to pay me a visit too. I see you've added a link to my site (thank you kindly), and I'm characterized as "Toronto's Long Primate". Oh, if only... if only. :D

You're welcome for the link. I check out your blog at least once a day. And as for the misprint, I'm sorry but...*snort, snicker*....BWAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! I assure you it was unintentional, sometimes my typing is faster than my spelling. I was gonna change it....butcha know....I think I might just keep it. Unless, of course, Primate, you want me to change it. Then I will. I just think it's all too funny.

POLT ["if only...if only".....BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!]

It is sometimes a mistake to climb; it is always a mistake never even to make the attempt. - Dram, Vertigo Preview #1

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