Wednesday, September 07, 2005

You just turn to trash...

Something weird happened this morning. I was waiting out front of hte house for my ride. Nothing unusual there. It was trash day, so there were trash bags and cans out front of our house, as well as neighboring houses, and across the street. Normally, Laura pulls up across the street, and I go down the last few steps, cross the street and enter her SUV.

Well, this morning, a car, light blue, maybe a Cadillac, pulled into roughly the same spot Laura does. I didn't know what kind of car her husband drives, so I though perhaps that might be her. I couldn't see real well, because 1) the windows were kinda dark and 2) there was a small tree inbetween us, and I couldn't see real well through the branches. I figured it must be her, since nobody was getting in or out of the car, and it was just sitting there. So I picked up my briefcase and lunch and took a step down. Then i heard a small thump like something small hitting the ground. The car then backed up and drove off. And I noticed there was a little white plastic bag sitting next to the three garbage cans that were there previously.

As I wondered about this, Laura pulled up. I crossed the street and walked past the garbage. I checked out the new bag, and it was just what I thought, a small plastic store bag, filled with, what I assume to be trash. As we went to work then, my mind dwelt upon this.

Why would this guy, in a rather nice car, stop and throw out a small bag of trash? he couldn't wait until he got to work or home? What did he have to get rid of right away, right now? And why in a random place like that? And then I wished I had walked faster and gotten closer so he could see me. And I wished I could have asked him why he did it.

Oh well, whatever, I spend too much time on stuff that don't amount to a braincell in Bushie's head. If there one's there, though, its' gotta be lonely.


I'd rather my flame burn bright than be a puny pilot light. - Emmett, Queer As Folk

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