Sunday, September 25, 2005

We're having a party, everybody's swinging...

So, Saturday evening, i went to a party at my friend Jessica's. I used to work with her, and have been to like 5 or 6 parties at her place. She lives in an apartment above a store her father owns. The apartment is above the front of the store, and if you go out her kitchen window, you go onto the roof above the rest of the store, and it's quite cool.

Parties at Jessica's are always wild affairs! I remember loud music blaring from a stereo out on the roof; a grill on the roof going full blast, heating up burgers at dogs after midnight; beer pong table; kegs too numerous to count; hot guys running around shirtless, doing kegstands and look all hot and manly; at one party, a old discarded water heater was brought up the stairs, through her apartment and out onto the roof; there was pissing of the roof; 15 to 30 people at any one time on the roof or in the apartment; jumping off the roof after balls (the roof is only one story up); raucous conversations; card games; climbing to the roofs of neighboring building and going roof hopping; throwing a car tires off the roof and smashing a car's windshield below; the smell of some less then legal herb; and I met many people there that I still consider friends. I always knew at Jessica's parties, it was gonna be loud, drunken, shirtless-frat-boy type of fun. And it was!

Now, Jessica has a man, Michael. He's tall, slim, defined (which even though he was wearing a tee shirt, I could still tell). He's handsome (in the face) and sexy ( in the body). He's intelligent, well read and a good conversationalist. He's pleasant and witty. He's a lecturer at Penn State, AND he's a doctor.

I love Jessica to pieces, but she is SUCH a lucky BITCH! My GOD, he is just too perfect for words! I love her and hate her too! Envy is so unflattering in Uncle Polt. But OHMYGOD, she's got quite the catch. Below is a picture of them!
Is it any wonder she's smiling so much!

I think he's had something of a...stablizing influence on her. This party had about 10 people, we sat around the table on the roof (no keg, pong table or water cooler in sight), drank beer or wine, and conversed. Later, Jessica made tea (because she's pregnant and can't have alcohol), and made us cinnamon buns to snack on. We were there until a little after midnight, but it was much more...reserved than I was used to.

Oh, I still had fun, had a great time, actually, but a different kind of fun. ANd I'm glad Jessica found Michael, cause they're great together.

Woulda been nice though, to maybe see Michael running around without a shirt on.....

POLT = listening to "Show Me love" by Robin S.

Study real history, like the Crusades. Modern American history is just television. - The West Wing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've read this so many times & laugh each & every one. This time Gordon, Justin & I are reading it. How I miss those crazy nights with you! I hope we can still kick some drinks soon... maybe a party at our new house, say late October? Can't wait to see you at the wedding.