Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy days are here again....

At 830pm this evening, the Associated Press, and then at about 850pm NBC News both declared Jim Webb, the Democrat, the winning of Virginia's Senate race. A spokesman for Senator George Allen said the senator would be "dis-inclined" to ask for a recount if the canvassing going on now showed he wouldn't be able to win. I'm not totally completely sure what that means, but the spokesman added the Senator will have a statement possibly within 24 hours time. That means, when he concedes, the Dems will have Capitol Hill for the first time since 1994.

Happy days are here again, the skies above are clear again...

With both houses under Dem control, it will increase the chances that Nancy Pelosi's First 100 Plan will be made law. This includes: 1) increasing the minimum wage, 2) making college tuition more affordable (maybe by making it tax deductable), 3) Insitituting the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, 4) Lobbyist and ethics reform in Congress, that the Republican did away with, 5) Allowing the gov't to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices on meds, something, again, the Republicans expressly in law forbade, and increasing funding for stem cell research and 6) recinding the obscene Republican tax cuts for the wealthy and instead giving some Middle Class tax releif (one being the tuition mentioned above).

I can't wait for January!

POLT = listening to "At Last" by Etta James

Bush's peculiar combination of faith-based zealotry and utter incompetence constitute a clear and present danger to national security and international stability. - Leonard Pitts, Nov 9, 2004


Anonymous said...

This is a happy day! Finally right minded people in the congress have the majorities. It is about time.


Doug said...

It will be nice to have some balance in government again.

If a democrat is elected president in 2008, though, I expect we'll see some of the same corruption we did during the republican domination. People seem to have such short memories.

Polt said...

Doug: I don't know about the corruption. Dems had Congress and the President from 1992-1994, but there wasn't a barrage of corruption. They passed a tax increase on rich people that resulted in a budget surplus by the year 2000. One which has all been spent, and $300 billion beyond the surplus as well...