Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I am the president, we own the wrold, I am king of the world (Part 10)...


This week, I'll not be using any funny photos, or silly comment, or the like. not this time I'll use the Chucklehead-In-Chief's own words as my post.

Keith Olbermann, God bless him, had the following on his programs earlier this week:

Asked if there were lessons about Iraq to be found in our experience in Vietnam, Mr. Bush said that there were, and he immediately proved he had no clue what they were.

“One lesson is,” he said, “that we tend to want there to be instant success in the world, and the task in Iraq is going to take a while.”

We’ll succeed,” the president concluded, “unless we quit.” (empahsis mine)

what the HELL is that man thinking? Or perhaps that's the problem, he isn't, and since this was an off-the-cuff question and he had no advisor there to give him the answer he needed, that's the best he could do. We'll succeed unless we quit...that's the lesson Bushie's learned from Vietnam about Iraq....SIGH......

POLT = listening to "[British] Queer As Folk Theme" by Murray Gold

Good and bad often come wrapped in the same package, don't they? We just lean one direction or the other, depending on circumstance and personality. - Polaris, Uncanny X-men #443

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bush is such a bone-head. He needs an earpiece all the time to have Rove tell him what to say. I am sure they have thought of it, but lets face it, it would just be another voice in his head along with Jesus God and the holy SPIT.

The real lession we learned in Vietnam is that you cannot force democracy down people's throats. Hmmmmmm.

The Dems have a lot of work to do in the next two years to "fix" the horrorshow that is Iraq.
