Sunday, November 12, 2006

The truth, not good enough, let's pretend...

I don't really need to say anything, the video says it all.

POLT - listening to the Giants/Bears game

The Repubican Party is now facing a great crisis. It is to decide whether it will be as in the days of Lincoln, the party of the plain people, or whether it will be the party of privilege and of special interests. - Theodore Roosevelt, 1912 [almost 100 years later, and the same party is facing the same question...what a shame - Polt]


Truthspew said...

Excellent synopsis of the lies and deception perpetrated by the Bush administration.

That part where Bush says you have to keep repeating things in order for the truth to sink in, and then goes on to talk about it as propaganda is stunning.

His handlers must be beside themselves but I've read that Dubya has a mercurial temper.

Anonymous said...

What a great video ..... let's all send it to Georgie, the bastard Bush.
