Tuesday, November 21, 2006

You got a boyfriend, that looks like a girlfriend...

A few days ago, I posted that Neil Patrick "Doogie Howser" Harris had come out of the closet. He said he was happily living the life of a gay man, and was in a relationship. Well I found a photo of them together.

The other guy, whose name I didn't get, apparently is an actor as well, and is on some show or something...I don't know I didn't pay attention to it. I was just thinking how sweet they were, two people in love, taking the dogs for a walk, with flowers, and maybe some groceries. Just living the American dream. And yet they can't get married, should they want to.

Land of free? Really? For whom?

POLT = listening to "Gonna Make You Sweat" by C&C Music Factory

The cost of our miscalculation in the Middle East is saoring. Almost 800 American soldiers have died since the Iraq conflict began. Israeli-Palestinian violence is escalating. The United States has imposed economic sanctions on Syria. And the administration has not seen fit to publicly offer a statement of purpose, strategy or doctrine that our allies and enemies alike can understand to represent our interests in the Middle East and is conscously pursuing a policy of amibguity. - Lou Dobbs, May 2004


Ryan said...

awesome post polt!

The Persian said...

well for those of us who live in Massachusetts certainly :)

Have a great Thanksgiving Polty!


m_o_o_nspells said...

Good post and good point Poltie! I don't think I've ever heard it expressed better than on last week's Studio 60 (written by genius Aaron Sorkin, previously of The West Wing...CHECK IT OUT, if you haven't already!!!)...I can't do it justice so I won't even try. But if you have access to download it, it was exceptionally well-put. It's also probably the best written show on t.v. right now...and it's got Matthew Perry...how can it go wrong?! ;o)

Anonymous said...

"Liberty and Justice For All"*

* Offer not available in some areas.
* Prices subject to change.