Monday, November 20, 2006

On the morning shows for the disconnected...

I listen to Elliott In The Morning on DC101 on the way to work most days. They always make me smile, if not crack up. Anyway, this is an exchange they had on thier not too long ago...

A caller was talking about the way some women just tell men they want to have sex and don't bother with foreplay, etc...

Caller: Yeah, so this woman just goes up to this guy in a bar and says, "Hey, you're hot and I wanna fuck you. Wanna leave now?" She says it works ever time.

Elliott: Alright!

Caller: So you'd want a woman to come up to you in a bar and say, "You're hot, let's fuck?"

Elliott: AB-solutely!

Diane (Elliott's co-host): The first thought in your mind isn't "How many times has she done this before?"

Elliott: The first thought in my mind is "BOING!"

Okay...maybe you have to hear it to fully appreciate it...but they've been replaying it on commericals and it makes me laugh every single time. But then I do have a rather sophomoric sense of humor...

POLT = listening to "Purple Haze" by the Cure

That's what the internet is for, slandering people anonymously. - Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back

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