Friday, November 03, 2006

I miss those nice massages....

Ted Haggard, a leader in a group of 30 million evangelicals and a vocal opponent of gay marriage as well as a regular visitor and consultant to the White House, admits he bought meth from a confirmed male prostitute.

This prostitute (who looks pretty damn good for 49 years of age, may I say), alleges that he and Haggard used meth together and Haggard paid him for sex about once a month over a three year period. Haggard denies this.

He admits going to the prostitute for "a massage" and having the prostitute procure for him some meth. Haggard admits to paying for the meth, but throwing it away. "I was tempted" he says, "and i bought it, but I didn't use it."

I suppose, I should now expect this to be all over Limbaugh's show and plastered all over Faux News just as Clinton's "I tired marijuana but didn't inhale" was. I mean, they'll rake Haggard over the coals and call him everything but a white man, right? Just like they did Clinton.

Pffft, right, who believes that. Haggard is one of them, they'll give him a pass. In fact, if they do anything, it'll be to drag the male prosititue through the mud. Just like they tried to do with the pages Foley was hitting on. And all this despite Haggard's own admission of criminal activity. Payign for a prostitute in Colorado is illegal. Even more so, Conspiracy to Purchase Meth is as well. Homosexuality, Adultery, Lying, Drug use....and not a word from the White House. Course, I guess all those photos of Haggard and Bushie together are kinda damning, eh? Best they not mention it at all.

It's none of my business what a man does in his private life, except that Haggard MADE it my business by advocating that the USA deny me the same right he has. Damn hypocrite. He and Foley both. Glass houses and all.

Haggard, Foley....makes one wonder which party is REALLY the home of the homosexuals.

POLT = listening to "Young Americans" by David Bowie

If someone's a good entertainer, it doesn't make them and expert in politics. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the first day this story came out, Haggard said he never met the guy before in his life.
On the second day, Well, he did buy some Meth from him but threw it away.
On the third, Oh, and he got a massage from him but not sex.
On the fourth day, Church officials say they threw Haggard out after a complete invistigation showed him to be guilty.