Friday, November 17, 2006

That alphabet you call love, is just digital...

I stole this from The Persian (who is a great guy) who stole it from someone else.

A - Z
A is for age: 38....very soon to be 39.
B is for beer of choice: LaBatt's Blue.
C is for career: Um, let's just say local government and leave it at that.
D is for favorite Drink: Pepsi!
E is for essential item you use everyday: My computer.
F is for favorite song at the moment: Maneater, by Nelly Furtado.
G is for favorite game(s): "Road To The White House", it's a political thing.
H is for hometown: Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, born and bred, baby!
I is for instruments you play: previously French Horn and Piano; now, none.
J is for favorite juice: Orange
K is for kids: Sure I love em, they're fun. Don't have any of my own though.
L is for last kiss: Freddie, as he walked out the door Sunday to go back to college
M is for marriage: Gay, living in Pennsylvania...nope, not at the moment.
N is for name of your best friend: Ag.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Zero, knock on wood.
P is for phobias: Heights, God I hate em!
Q is for quote: "It is better to regret something you did do rather than something you did not do."
R is for biggest regret: Breaking Brian's trust 15 years ago and telling Amy that he and I had had sex...that or trusting Jeff 13 years ago...bastard...
S is for self confidence: Sure why not?
T is for time you wake up: If i don't have the alarm on, about 1000am.
U is for underwear: boxers, sometimes boxerbriefs.
V is for vegetable you love: Corn, and that's about it.
W is for worst habit: Procrastination.
X is for x-rays you've had: Had a few of my mouth:taking out wisdom teeth, checking tooth for cracks, etc, etc, etc.
Y is for yummy food you make: Make? Um, I pretty much make pasta only, but I guess that's kinda yummy.
Z is for zodiac sign: Sagittarious, baby! Archer all the way!

POLT = listening to "Boogie Woogie" by Tommy Dorsey

I figured out Karl Rove's political strategy - make gas so expensive no Democrats can afford to go to the polls. - John Kerry, 2004

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