Sunday, June 17, 2007

Crazy, all the lovers have been tagged...

The lovely Bella tagged me with the following.

Here are the rules…

Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Yeah, see the thing is, I did something like this a few months back, with 7 things. I'm not sure I could come up with 8 new things. So, what I'll do is modify the rules a bit (hey, what are rules good for, if they're no good for breaking?), and instead, I'll post my responses to Bella's 8 things.

1) I LOVE to brush my teeth, I have a toothbrush in the shower, by the sink in the bathroom, one in my purse and one in my desk at work. There is something about my mouth feeling clean that I love .. love!
Yeah, no so much for me. I SHOULD want to brush my teeth a lot, cause I HATE visiting the dentist, but it's always been a pain for me. I have this aversion to doing something that I'll just have to do again later, like making my bed, dusting the apartment or brushing my teeth. When i do something, I don't want to have to do it again later, and therefore, never been so big on tooth brushing. I HAVE improved in the last few years, after I had my second tooth pulled. I could then appreciate the need to brush them, to prevent the loss of more teeth. And I DO brush them every morning, every night before I go to bed, and inbetween if needed, but it just feels like an inconvience.

2) I adore pajamas, or rather, I adore buying and owning pajamas. I don’t sleep in them at all, I will however put them on the second I am home from work to wear around the house. If you were to visit me in the evening, you will more often than not, find me wearing my pajamas.
No, not so much for me. I haven't worn pajamas since I was in elementary school. In junior high, i turned to just shorts and a t-shirt, and in high school and part way through college it was just a long oversized shirt, nothing else. But since about the time I was a sophomore in college, I've stopped wearing anything to bed. In fact, being naked is my prefered state, when I'm ALONE. I don't want the world at large to see my nakedness (and I'm sure the world thanks me for that). Since I live on the third floor with no high buildings around me, going naked is not a problem.

3) I am a clean freak, I am most comfortable when my surroundings are clean and orderly. I have a very difficult time being relaxed in someone elses home if it is in disarray or worse yet .. just plain dirty. I have been known to walk in a friends home and just start doing the dishes or picking things up.
Oh, well then, sweetie, please come visit my home, cause I got dishes right now that need done, among other things. See 1) for some more on this, but i hate cleaning. Don't do it, actually. My house is very cluttered and messy, and that's the way I like it. I have too much in my life to do, and life is too short to be worried about the clothes all hung up, or the books all put in thier proper place, or whether the kitchen floor sparkles or not.

4) In my bathroom, or any bathroom I visit … the toilet paper MUST go over the top. If it is not going over the top … I WILL change it.
I don't usually change it if I'm in someone else's bathroom, but I agree, I much prefer the paper coming out over the top. I put it that way anytime I change the roll, no matter where I am, home, work, or a friends house.

5) I can’t tolerate food related mouth noises at all. I don’t want to hear someone chewing, smacking or slurping their food. Don’t even get me started on popping gum!! Uugggghh!
Hmm, perhaps it's cause I'm a guy, but that stuff doesnt bother me. I've been known to release some glass shattering burps myself. Popping gum? Well, I love chewing it and popping the bubbles, so maybe that bother you too. Frankly, I'm much more irritated by things, smells, and sounds eminating from the other end!

6) I do not like beans of any kind. It doesn’t matter if they are pinto, red, black, green ..I won’t eat them, and I don’t want them touching any food I am going to eat, and I won’t clean the dishes that have had beans on them. Because of this … I refused to even TRY mexican food until I was about 21 years old when my now ex-husband convinced me that not all mexican food has beans. Now I LOVE mexican food, I just order it without beans.
I'm not a huge fan of beans, but I LOVE chili, beans and all! And I love me some mexican as well. Green beans are okay sometimes, but that's really about it for me.

7) I hate spiders, big, small, fat, hairy …. just thinking of this sort of creeps me out. Just a few weeks ago I was riding in the car with my sister when I noticed a fat spider on her back …. I told her to pull the car over RIGHT NOW … and wouldn’t tell her what it was until I had jumped OUT of the car.
Yeah, I don't like them either, but I'm not really afraid of them. I see one at least once a month in my bathroom, and i keep my "Spider-killin" shoe in there to take care of them.

8) I am not graceful at all, in fact I am a bit clumsy. I have broken my foot twice, my leg once, my wrist twice … I have had stitches 8 times, 5 of those were in my head. I knocked out my front tooth when I was 9 by rollerskating down the sidewalk and tripping over a crack and landing face first into the neighbors driveway.
Hmm, well, I THOUGHT I was clumsy, but after reading this, I don't feel too bad. Mama Polt's particular clumsy, but in a funny way, always telling us all about it and laughing while she does so. As for me, I only ever sprained my ankle, once, on Halloween. They took me to the hospital, wrapped it up, gave me crutches and that was it. Only stiched I ever had were in my mouth, when the took teeth out. Never broken a bone, nor spent a night in the hospital. I guess I should consider myself lucky, eh?

Now, I know I'm supposed to tag 8 others, but right now, I'm not really in a tagging mood. But, if anyone, Aggie, Craiggers, Olivia My Love, Tornwordo, Doug, Onanite, Truthspew, Ryan, or anyone else want to do this, feel free. Just go ahead and do it. And we'll pretend I tagged you.


Death is a great career move for an artist. - Monty, It's My Party


Anonymous said...

Okay Bella

1) I LOVE to brush my teeth; I have a toothbrush in the shower, by the sink in the bathroom, one in my purse and one in my desk at work. There is something about my mouth feeling clean that I love...!

I brush my teeth once a day, and have never had a cavity, go figure

2) I adore pajamas, or rather; I adore buying and owning pajamas. I don’t sleep in them at all; I will however put them on the second I am home from work to wear around the house. If you were to visit me in the evening, you will more often than not, find me wearing my pajamas.

I always wear a tee-shirt and briefs to bed no pajamas, why spend the money?

3) I am a clean freak; I am most comfortable when my surroundings are clean and orderly. I have a very difficult time being relaxed in someone else’s home if it is in disarray or worse yet... just plain dirty. I have been known to walk in a friend’s home and just start doing the dishes or picking things up.

I used to be a clean freak, but since I have cancer I couldn’t care less. My partner does all the cleaning. Don’t get me wrong, our house is not a pit by any means.

4) In my bathroom, or any bathroom I visit … the toilet paper MUST go over the top. If it is not going over the top … I WILL change it.

Oh yeah over the top. I will “fix” any bathroom that needs it

5) I can’t tolerate food related mouth noises at all. I don’t want to hear someone chewing, smacking or slurping their food. Don’t even get me started on popping gum!! Uugggghh!

I don’t give a flying fuck about “mouth noises. I am probably one of those you hate.

6) I do not like beans of any kind. It doesn’t matter if they are pinto, red, black, green...I won’t eat them, and I don’t want them touching any food I am going to eat, and I won’t clean the dishes that have had beans on them. Because of this … I refused to even TRY Mexican food until I was about 21 years old when my now ex-husband convinced me that not all Mexican food has beans. Now I LOVE Mexican food, I just order it without beans.

When I was a kid I hated beans, I still don’t like certain types like white beans. But I do like chili with beans, and Mexican refried beans now...

7) I hate spiders, big, small, fat, hairy …. just thinking of this sort of creeps me out. Just a few weeks ago I was riding in the car with my sister when I noticed a fat spider on her back …. I told her to pull the car over RIGHT NOW … and wouldn’t tell her what it was until I had jumped OUT of the car.

We have so many spiders here I have gotten used to them; they are no longer a bother.

8) I am not graceful at all; in fact I am a bit clumsy. I have broken my foot twice, my leg once, my wrist twice … I have had stitches 8 times, 5 of those were in my head. I knocked out my front tooth when I was 9 by roller-skating down the sidewalk and tripping over a crack and landing face first into the neighbor’s driveway.

I have been pretty lucky (accept for the cancer), so I cannot complain. I did however have a fight with a real jerk two years ago and he busted out two teeth, so I have a bridge. He was in worse shape though…… two broken ribs, a fractured jaw, and a fractured orb (eye). Needless to say we are no longer friends.

Anonymous said...

I love how you bended the rules!!
I'm on my way over right now to wash those dishes for you! :0)

Truthspew said...

1) I don't love brushing my teeth but it happens twice a day. Once after I finish breakfast, and then right before I go to bed I brush AND floss.
I still have most of my teeth, except my wisdom teeth and the two on top taken out for orthodontal reasons.

2) I can sleep naked or in PJ's, doesn't matter to me. During the winter PJ's are a must because I refuse to pay to keep the heat on.

3) I'm a bit of a slob but I like things organized. If you look at my desk compared to Keyron's you can definitely see the difference. I have open space on my desk, he doesn't.

4) Don't give a good damn which way the paper goes. I do however give a damn about how clean the bathroom is.

5) Noises from the body are natural and don't bother me at all.

6) Beans, beans the musical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot. I love beans.

7) I think spiders are cool. They take care of things we really don't want to know about.

8) I'm not so much clumsy as stubborn.