Thursday, June 21, 2007

We played through every fleeting summer...

Well, today is the first day of summer. Whoo-freakin-pee. I hate summer. The heat. The humidity. the heat. The sweating. The heat. The mosquios. the heat. All reruns on TV. The heat. oh and did I mention the heat? There's only one GOOD thing about summer. Allow me to show you:

I like the views...I STILL don't like summer. The heat and all...

Welcome to summer. Try not melt.

POLT Oil:68.63 (-.11); Gas: 2.93 (-)

We should all have a healthy fear of Oprah. - Aaron McGruder


Anonymous said...

I'll have to agree with you. Summer and the heat sucks, but I have low humidity here on the west coast most of the time.

The bodies are beautiful. Thanks for the look see.


Truthspew said...

I'm the opposite of all of you. I love summer. The hotter, the better. Because as it gets hotter the clothes come off and that's fine with me.

And yes, those are some very hot pix.