Monday, June 18, 2007

Kiss him for me...

This is from some Swedish reality show. Not sure what it is, or what the premise of the show is. All I know is in this particular thing, they make the guys kiss the guys (and presumably, the girls kiss the girls, which they thankfully dont show). It does repeat a few times, so probably 30 seconds or a minute of viewing will show it all to you, but please, feel free to watch it all the way through!

Now THIS is a stunt I wanna see on Road Rules vs Real World! Imagine some of those hunks on there going at it like this....that might be the only thing that would get me back to watching crap like that.

POLT Oil: 69.09 (+.86); Gas: 2.93 (-.01)

"I don't think they like me very much." "No, no, no. They don't like you at all." - Tobey Zeigler, The West Wing


Anonymous said...

wow these boys know how to kiss! Made me hard just watching. Go for it boys!


Anonymous said...

Now that's Must See TV!!! Who knew straight guys could kiss each other so passionatly?