Monday, June 25, 2007

Higher than all the birds in the sky (Part 7)...

Freddie's Bird Adventures

So Freddie email me about his last three days at the bird sanctuary.

Tuesday: Very hot and humid. Freddie started out working with another guy but he bailed cause he couldn't take the heat. Freddie did what he needed to do, feed and water the birds, and got it done in about 45 minutes. Then because of the heat, he spent the remaining two hours on a bench in the shade. Sounds like government work to me.

Thursday: He was doing his regular thing, feeding the birds and such and came to Benita's cage. Benita is a cockatoo. She wanted to come out, he asked his boss, and he said it was okay. Benita climbed up his arm and behind his head. The boss then left to get more bird food. Freddie changed the food and water in Benita's cage, with her still perched behind his head. She was preening his hair. She seemed content. Freddie tried to put her back in the cage, she bit his ear. He showed her the food, showed her a peanut and then put it in her cage hoping she'd go in after it. She bit his other ear. She bit his ears a total of 3 more times before the boss returned and got her off and back into the cage. The boss said he's handled her a lot of times and that never happened. Leave it to Freddie to be dominatd by a cockatoo.

After work, he was driving home and had gone the wrong way so he pulled into a driveway and turned around. Not ten feet back in the other direction, he was pulled over by a cop. The coversation goes as follows, verbatum from Freddie's own account:

Cop: Are you Fredericks?
Freddie: My first name is Frederick.
Cop: So your last name isn't Fredericks?
Freddie: No.
Cop: Did you just come from 22? (which Freddie only later figured out was House 22)
Freddie: I really don't what that is. I just intern out here.
Cop: Oh, well, I had to talk to the people in 22 and saw you leaving so that's why I pulled you over.

And that was it. So now we know that not only are the birds freaky in that area, but so are the local law enforcement.

Satruday: This is the first couple lines copied directly from Freddie's email: "There was a surprising amount of people there today. in actuality, there really wasnt that many people, its just that nobody ever goes so ANYONE showing up is a big deal, at least for me. and we had a total of 17 people show up, mostly parents and kids" So 17 people are a lot of people for this place? it obviously doesn't exist because of admissions. Oh, and for me, there was also a cute twink boy in a tight black shirt there, with his pretend girlfriend. (isn't it nice that my boyfriend scopes out other boys for me?) Anyway, he finally got to have some interaction with the guests, which he had been wanting to do. he answered thier questions, took admission from a few, was videotaped by a lady as he fed the parrots.

When he went to feed the emu/deer/ostrich, there was a small group there, a mom, girl of about 16, and two boys 3 & 4. Freddie asked if anybody wanted to help him and the little boys all squealed with excitement. Freddie said he needed someone to hold the gate open for him and then shut it behind him. The boys wanted to do it, but mom said the girl better do it. While he was feeding the animals the two boys yelled and squealed and just had a blast watching him.

Mom asked if there were any feathers laying around, because the boys were collecting them and then she was going to put a photo of the boys in a frame made of the feathers..or something like that. So Freddie gave them some feathers, but as they were just gret emus, grey ostrich and non feathered deer there, it wouldn't be too colorful (that's my little gayboy, always thinking about the aesthetic value of stuff), so Freddie went and got them some colorful parrot feathers and brought them back, much to the delight of the boys. (and Freddie wanted to ensure I posted that he did NOT in fact take the feathers OFF the birds, he got them from the cages and ground, one assumes).

the boys were concerned about bird, who looked sick or dying. He went with them to look. Well, it turned out it was a seriemas (yeah, like I ever heard of it before either), and these birds for whatever reason love the sun and like to lay on thier backs with the wings outspread and...well, sunbathe. Freddie assured everyone everything was okay.

He also thoughtfully included a photo of a seriema (not the one from his place, just a photo he found of one), so we can all see why they might have thought it was dead or dying.

I tell ya what, if Benita bit my ears multiple times, SHE'D end up looking like that...and she's not a seriema.


Scare them my beasties! Nibble and gnaw on thier overstuffed buttocks! - Groundskeeper Willie, The Simpsons


Anonymous said...

Tell Benita that biting Freddies ears is your job. Fredrick has such a great job. I never heard of that bird that plays dead but it really looks dead to me.

Sexy Duet said...

I thought we had some strange wildlife Down Under but that bird is just weird. Sounds like Freddie is having a good time.