Friday, June 08, 2007

Thunder, I keep wonderin why...

A few people I know, among them, sadly, Phoenix, seem to have this love of Thundercats. which is frankly, beyond my understanding.

It was a badly drawn, stupidly plotted cartoon of the 80's with idiotically named characters. It attempted, I always felt, to be He-Man, but with humanoid felines. Yeah, THERE'S a sure fire hit.

I remember watching a few of the episodes, but like shoulder pads in dresses, K-cars, Yakov Smirnov, big hair 'heavy metal' bands, and Ronald Reagan, Thundercats is just one more thing from the 80's that needs to STAY there, and NOT be romanticized or revived.

However, if they were to do a live action Thundercats movie and cast the lead, Lion-O, with one of these guys, well, then I'm first in line to see it!

Go, Thundercats, Go...inDEED.....


He's sweating more than a Catholic priest at a Little League game. - Ned DiPaloa


Anonymous said...

That guys Genitalia turned purple. Hmmm I wonder where its been? Perhaps Polts' eye isn't the only thing that's Purple. lol.

Anonymous said...

just so you know, i am a big fan of this show, so i'm sure at some point down the road when i acquire Thundercats on DVD you will be forced to watch some, if not all, of it ;-) So you better just get into it now!

Anonymous said...

Oy! I see you on the live action thing and raise you a twenty ;) I don't care for Thunderctas either...